Saiyan Saga
1. Raditz vs. Farmer
Raditz got out of his pod, and was threatened by a farmer with a shotgun. The Saiyan made short work of the weakling, killing him with one attack.
2. Raditz vs. Piccolo
This was hardly a fight, but merely Piccolo attacking Raditz. The Saiyan was about to destroy the Namek when his scouter located Goku, so he flew off to find his brother.
3. Raditz vs. Goku
Again, not essentially a fight, Raditz simply kneed Goku in the stomach, and gave him some tasks to do, then kidnapped Gohan.
4. Raditz vs. Goku and Piccolo
This went on for a short while, with Goku and Piccolo getting beaten up, but continuing to fight, even though things looked bleak. Goku wound up on the floor, nearing unconsciousness, and Piccolo was left helplessly charging up an attack. Raditz trod on Goku, and began crushing his ribs.
5. Gohan vs. Raditz
When Gohan heard his fathers cries, he burst out of his pod, and headbutted Raditz right in the ribs. This hurt the Saiyan, and with one firm swipe, he knocked the kid out, surprised at how easy it was to defeat his nephew. He then turned to Piccolo to finish him off
6. Raditz vs. Goku and Piccolo
Goku managed to get up off the floor, and grabbed Raditz in a full nelson, holding him still, so that he couldn't escape. Piccolo finished charging up his beam, and shot it at Goku's brother, with the beam ripping right through the chest of both Saiyans, killing them both. Goku's noble sacrifice saved the Earth.
7. Raditz vs. Enma
Little is known of this fight, seeing how we only heard Enma talking about it, but from what I can gather, Raditz put up a fight before he was sent to hell, and decided to fight King Enma, losing miserably.
8. Gohan vs. T-Rex
This happens when Piccolo made Gohan train in the wilderness, to learn survival skills. Gohan was chased by a T-Rex, and bullied by it for a while, until he grew stronger, and brave enough to fight back. Throughout the time he was there from then on, he chopped bits off the fleeing T-Rex's tail, to teach it a lesson, and tio get some tasty dinner.
9. Oozaru Gohan vs. Piccolo
When Piccolo returned to train Gohan, he noticed that Gohan looked up at the moon. He was powerless to stop the rampage of Gohan in his confused Oozaru state, and ended up destroying the moon.
They fought a second time when a hologram was created from out of an old Saiyan pod, creating the exact illusion of the moon. Gohan turned Oozaru again, and created turmoil for a while until Piccolo located the source of the fake moon, and destroyed it. After both times, he pulled off Gohan's tail, only to have it grow back.
10. Piccolo vs. Gohan
Whilst training the young Saiyan, Piccolo did some basic combat sessions with him, where they fought against each other. Piccolo easily won every time, although he was impressed at the kids obvious strength, which constantly increased throughout the course of the time spent in the wilderness.
11. Goku vs. Ogre
Goku fell off Snake Way, and was forced to fight an Ogre in a wrestling match. To win, he had to get his opponent out of a circle. The Ogre started things off by pushing the Saiyan to the edge, but then Goku pushed him away, and created a gust of wind by punching the air ridiculously fast, knocking the Ogre over the line.
12. Goku vs. Giant Snake
As Goku neared the end of Snake Way, he went into a palace to eat. Here he was greeted by a princess, and treated like a king, until he decided he had to go. The occupants of the palace didn't like this, and turned nasty on the Saiyan, revealing the truth - That the palace was actually a giant snake, and Goku was inside of it. He escaped, and managed to use his silky flying skills to make the snake tangle itself up, and become harmless.
13. Goku vs. Gregory
During the time at King Kai's, Goku had to hit a cricket named Gregory on the head with a giant sledgehammer. Whilst this may not essentially be a fight, harmful contact was made, so I class it as one. After destroying the whole planet, Goku eventually got a hit on Gregory, albeit light, but causing a huge lump none the less.
14. Tien vs. Saibaman
The first of the fights against the Saiyans Vegeta and Nappa begins with Tien taking on a small green alien called a Saibaman. Nappa planted six of these in the Earth, and they all grew immediately into warriors. Each had the power level of Raditz, and should have been worthy opposition. Tien proved his superiority by easily defeating his opponent.
15. Yamcha vs. Saibaman
The fight started as Yamcha stepped forward, deciding to take his turn to fight before Krillen. He fought valiantly, and eventually defeated his opponent with a powerful attack. Thinking the Saibaman was dead, Yamcha turned to the rest of them, and challenged them all. Meanwhile, the one that the 'Desert Bandit' beat up isn't really dead, and is getting up, behind Yamcha. Suddenly it dived onto him, taking him completely by surprise, and clinged on tight. Yamcha couldn't escape, and the Saibaman self-destructed dishonorably, killing them both like a coward.
16. Krillen vs. Saibamen
Stepping forward, Krillen decides on doing what Yamcha was going to before he died, and takes on all four of the remaining Saibamen. He unleashes an awesome blast which kills all of them outright, except for one, that escaped somehow. When the smoke clears, Krillen sees the damage he caused, although the two Saiyans who were caught in the blast, don't even bear a scratch.
17. Piccolo vs. Saibaman
The remaining little green man tries to jump Gohan, but just as he swings for the kid, his arm his caught by Piccolo. The Namek then throws him directly up into the air, and blasts him with a breath blast, disintegrating him immediately, and killing him outright.
18. Tien vs. Nappa
Tien basically gets kicked around the floor for a while, until the fight is intervened, and Chao-zu steps in, despite Tien begging him to back off. Tien loses an arm in the short time that he and Nappa collide.
19. Chao-zu vs. Nappa
The little guy clings to Nappa's back in an effort to save Tien, and prepares to self-destruct, trying to destroy the Saiyan once and for all. His effort is in vain though, as he dies, but Nappa walks off unharmed.
20. Gohan, Krillen, and Piccolo vs. Nappa
Seeing the big guy distracted, Piccolo formulates a plan. He and Krillen catch Nappa unaware, and hit him with strong attacks, managing to send him soaring through the air, and setting him up for Gohan to blast him. The kid is too scared though, so Krillen and Piccolo blast him instead, narrowly missing. Nappa turns to them, and allows Tien an opportunity to attack.
21. Tien vs. Nappa
Tien manages to get up upon seeing his best friend die, and is absolutely irate. He uses the Kikouhou technique on the huge Saiyan, over and over again, sucking his own life force from him each time, and barely even harming Nappa. Eventually he uses it to such an extent that all his energy is vanquished, and he dies, leaving Nappa to fight the remaining members of the Earths special forces.
22. Piccolo, Gohan, and Krillen vs. Nappa
Piccolo comes up with another plan, where Gohan had to finish Nappa off again. The kid tells him he'll do better this time, and prepares to fulfill his role. Krillen powers up, directly in front of Nappa, and distracting his attention. Piccolo then soars behind Nappa, and grabs his tail, expecting it to be a weakness. Gohan gets ready to blast the Saiyan, but Nappa drops an elbow on Piccolo's head, hurting him badly. Gohan and Krillen then realize that the plan will no longer work, and that the Saiyan has won the fight once again.
23. Krillen and Piccolo vs. Nappa
Nappa turns to Gohan to attack him, but Krillen steps in, and throws a destructo disc at the big guy, with Nappa narrowly dodging the attack, cutting his cheek. He steps forward to attack the midget, when Piccolo gets up, and fires a blast at Nappa's back, annoying the Saiyan greatly, but hardly hurting him at all. Nappa continued to fight, not even bothered by the blow.
24. Gohan and Piccolo vs. Nappa
Gohan tells everyone to go while he holds them up for his dad, getting a sudden rush of bravery. Everyone refuses to leave him though, but Nappa hears this, and runs to attack the kid. Gohan stands his ground, but is paralyzed with fear when the Saiyan fires a humongous blast at him, capable of destroying even the toughest warriors. It is coming to fast to avoid, and it looks like death for Gohan, when suddenly Piccolo dives in the way, and intercepts the beam, getting fried, and consequentially killed by it. Gohan remained unharmed though, and Nappa is slightly miffed that he missed the kid.
25. Gohan vs. Nappa
Furious at the death of his best friend, Gohan launches a huge masenko energy beam at Nappa, with the Saiyan easily swatting it away. It seemed to have hurt his hand slightly, but other than that, Nappa is fine. Gohan can't believe the strength of his opponent. Nappa charges in, but misses Gohan somehow. He looks over, and sees that Gohan in on a small, flying cloud. It's nimbus, which means that Goku is back!
26.Goku vs. Nappa
Goku fights vengefully, trying to gain reconciliation for his friends. He easily beats Nappa, but spares him, and decides that he isn't even worth bothering with. When Goku let Nappa go however, the Saiyan charged towards Krillen and Gohan hastily, in an effort to kill them to get at Goku, who is obviously to strong for him to beat. Goku catches up using the kai-o-ken technique though, and injures Nappa badly, but doesn't kill him. He throws him to the feet of Vegeta sparingly, saying that the Saiyan will be ok with a bit of medical help.
27. Vegeta vs. Nappa
Mercilessly, Vegeta grabs his defeated partner, throws him into the air, then releases a huge blast that kills Nappa immediately. Goku can't believe that the Saiyan has killed his own friend, and teammate.
28. Goku vs. Vegeta
After a fair bit of hand-to-hand where neither man could gain much of an advantage, Goku used some kai-o-ken attacks, giving him the distinct upper-hand in the proceedings. Vegeta realized that he couldn't win, so he tried to destroy the Earth. Cunningly, Goku saw this coming, and countered it with a KameHameHa, accompanied by a kai-o-ken times 4. Vegeta's blast was nullified, and he was shot high into the sky, narrowly getting off the beam before exiting the Earth's atmosphere, covered in pain.
29. Oozaru Vegeta vs. Goku
Vegeta lands, then throws a fake moon into the air, warning Goku that the fight was about to end. He looked up at it, and underwent a transformation, just like the one Gohan had gone through before. After messing around a little, toying with Goku, Vegeta trod on the Saiyan, but was blasted in the eye for his troubles. Angered by this, Vegeta began crushing Goku in one hand.
30. Krillen vs. Oozaru Vegeta
The bald midget arrived just as Goku was about to die, so he threw a destructo disc at Vegeta's tail, knowing that if his tail goes, then Vegeta will go back to normal. Somehow Vegeta avoided the attack though, and merely ignored the Earthlings whilst they tried to formulate a plan, knowing that they couldn't even hurt Vegeta now that his strength had increased so drastically.
31. Oozaru Vegeta vs. Yajirobe
Ignoring the Earthlings was a mistake Vegeta lived to regret. One that he didn't even know about soared out of the shadows, and sliced his tail clean off with use of a sword. Vegeta screamed in anger, and slowly shrank back down to his normal form, dropping Goku onto the floor, with him hitting home with a hard thud, but still clinging onto his life all the same.
32. Vegeta vs. Gohan
Vegeta managed to anger Gohan enough so that the kid attacked him. The two matched each other punch to punch, with the weakened Vegeta unable to defeat Gohan, and likewise the other way round.
33. Goku, Krillen, and Gohan vs. Vegeta
Goku gives Krillen some energy that he formed for the spirit bomb beforehand, and tells him to throw it at Vegeta when the time was right. Krillen takes it, and after a short while, he throws it, but somehow Vegeta knew it was coming, and dodged it, leaving Gohan to take the attack. Goku telepathically told him to bounce it back at Vegeta though, as it will only hurt those with impure hearts. Gohan does so obediently, and knocks Vegeta flying into the air.
34. Vegeta vs. Gohan
Vegeta lands on the floor with a thud, after managing to get off the energy balls beam, and is irate. He angrily hits Gohan to the floor, and walks towards him to finish him off. He notices the tail, and is ready to pull it off before he sees the moon, when he senses the power that cut off his tail looming behind him.
35. Vegeta vs. Yajirobe
Vegeta turns to see Yajirobe cowering, and makes him pay for cutting off his tail. Vegeta beats the fat man across the floor, hitting him into the side of a rocky cliff face, and making him become submerged with rock. He then suddenly remembers about Gohan, as Goku tells him to look up at the moon.
36. Oozaru Gohan vs. Vegeta
Gohan looks up at the moon, and Vegeta is too late to pull his tail off. He transforms, and beats the Saiyan up a little, although he can't quite finish him off. Vegeta managed to throw a cutting disc similar to Krillen's at Gohan's tail, cutting it clean off. Gohan falls to the floor, landing on top of the Saiyan prince. He transforms back to his normal state, his tail now permanently gone, and Vegeta defeated.
37. Krillen vs. Vegeta
This isn't really a fight, as no punches are thrown, but Krillen hovers over Vegeta with Yajirobe's sword in hand, ready to finish the Saiyan off for good. Goku tells him to spare him though, and Krillen does so obediently, allowing the beaten Vegeta to escape from Earth.
Freiza Saga
38. Gohan vs. Krillen
Telepathically sparring, Gohan and Krillen fight each other in their minds, with Gohan being the eventual victor by cunningly using an energy beam when Krillen didn't expect it.
39. Ships People vs. Gohan, Krillen, and Bulma
A ship disguised as a transparent bit of space sucked our heroes ship in, and they held them captive. When the ship hits an asteroid field though, Gohan and Krillen, and even Bulma assist them in saving everyone. They are let go because of this.
40. Gohan and Krillen vs. Fake Namekians
Gohan and Krillen effortlessly defeat the two aliens posing as Nameks to fool them, easily kicking their heads in.
41. Two Henchmen vs. Krillen and Gohan
The two guys from Earth easily win this fight, beating Frieza's henchmen to a pulp, and effortlessly killing them.
42. Vegeta vs. Cui
After following Vegeta to Namek, Cui challenged him expecting to be far stronger. Without much trouble, Vegeta killed his former friend, in one swift blast.
43. Zarbon vs. Nameks
After sensing Vegeta's power, Frieza isn't at all worried, and continues getting Dragonballs of the Nameks. He gets Zarbon to kill all the resistance, then takes the 'ball from the Namek elder, as if he's taking candy from a baby.
44. Henchmen vs. Nameks
Some more Nameks come, and attack Frieza's henchmen in an effort to save the villagers. They succeed, until Frieza orders Dodoria to step in, and kill these pests. He does so without any strain at all.
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45. Gohan and Krillen vs. Dodoria
After watching Dodoria bully some Namekian kids, Gohan and Krillen couldn't take it anymore, charging in, and attacking the alien who is far stronger than them. They knocked him through a building, grabbed the remaining kid, and flew off, with Dodoria in hot pursuit. They managed to lose him by hiding though, and narrowly avoiding one of his blasts. Dodoria flew off thinking that he had killed the meddlers.
46. Dodoria vs. Vegeta
On his way back, Dodoria met up with Vegeta, and warned him to just walk away. Vegeta could tell by the way that his enemy was talking that he knew h was stronger than him. Dodoria tries to fight the Saiyan off, but isn't anywhere near strong enough, eventually submitting to him, and giving away valuable information about the destruction of the Saiyan home planet, saying Frieza was the one who destroyed it. Vegeta said Dodoria could go, but sent an energy beam at him as he flew off, killing him outright, and disposing of another one of Frieza's henchmen.
47. Zarbon vs. Vegeta
After finding out about Vegeta's plans and his power, Frieza sent Zarbon to dispose of him, with the henchman locating Vegeta, and fighting with him. Vegeta easily defeated Zarbon, until he did something that completely changed the outcome of the match.
48. Vegeta vs. Transformed Zarbon
Zarbon transformed, and with his increased power, he effortlessly defeated Vegeta, blasting him into a lake.
49. Vegeta vs. Henchman
Whilst Vegeta was in the regeneration tank, one of Frieza's henchmen was making fun of him, causing him to lose his temper, and send a blast out of the tank, killing the soldier straight away. He then escaped from Frieza's ship, grabbing Frieza's Dragonballs on the way.
50. Vegeta vs. Transformed Zarbon
After being sent by Frieza to find Vegeta and retrieve the Dragonballs, Zarbon located the Saiyan when he was confronting Krillen, and demanding he hand over his 'ball. Zarbon thought they were friends, and threatened to kill them both, but Vegeta easily defeated him, with a devastating punch to the gut, then an energy beam, blasting him into a lake.
51. Krillen and Gohan vs. Guldo
This was quite a good fight, where Guldo was constantly freezing time in an attempt to tip the scales in his favor, but he was unsuccessful until he managed to put Gohan and Krillen into some sort of suspended animation, where they couldn't move a muscle. He then raised a tree out of the ground, and made the tip sharp with use of telekinesis, and threw it towards the two people from Earth, with use of the same skill. Neither of them could move, until Vegeta stepped in.
52. Vegeta vs. Guldo
Vegeta shot a KI blast at Guldo, and made him release the psychic grip he had on the two Earthlings, allowing them to avoid the dagger-like trees. Guldo fell to the floor. Vegeta then held out his hand, and unleashed a devastating big bang on the frog-like creature, killing him immediately.
53. Vegeta vs. Racoome
This was an awesome fight, with Vegeta gaining an early advantage, but Racoome proving his toughness managed to eventually win, and was ready to kill Vegeta, when Krillen and Gohan stepped in.
54. Krillen vs. Racoome
Krillen kicked Racoome in the back, just as he used the attack, and knocked him down to the floor, whilst Gohan grabbed Vegeta out of the way. Racoome then got up, and with one swift kick, he hit Krillen in the face, almost knocking his head clean off. Unable to move, the bald midget could only watch from the floor as the next parts of the battle unfolded before his eyes.
55. Gohan vs. Racoome
Gohan fought valiantly, but just didn't have the strength to win in the end, with Racoome beating him to a pulp, despite the kids best efforts to inflict pain towards the big bully. Gohan was hit onto the floor, unable to get up, and extremely close to death. Goku had landed on the planet Namek though, and help would soon be at hand.
56. Goku vs. Racoome
Goku zipped onto the scene, showing his immense speed by making Racoome confused and dizzy just by flying past him. He fed Gohan, Krillen, and Vegeta a sensu bean, then got to work in fighting Racoome. The big guy charged up, but was quickly disposed of as Goku hit him in the stomach with an elbow, with his speed undetectable to anyone.
57. Goku vs. Jeice and Burta
Goku toyed with these two for a while, showing off his superior speed, before hammering onto them, knocking Burta unconscious, and threatening Jeice to either leave or die. Knowing that fighting Goku would be useless, Jeice flew away to get back up. Vegeta moaned at Goku for letting him escape.
58. Vegeta vs. Racoome and Burta
With the two on the floor, Vegeta quickly pounced and finished them off, not allowing the evil doers a chance at living. Goku wasn't happy with this, but Vegeta had his reasons, knowing how much suffering that they had caused in the past.
59. Nameks vs. Frieza
Frieza was at Guru's causing trouble, when some Nameks flew in, and attacked the evil tyrant. They were easily disposed of though, leaving only Nail to protect the eldest Namek. He proposed they fight away from Guru though, and Frieza reluctantly agreed.
60. Goku vs. Ginyu
This seemed to be a very close fight until Ginyu told Goku that he knew he wasn't even trying. Goku then upped the pace, and even with interferences from Jeice, he still had a firm advantage on the fight. Ginyu then asked Goku to power up to his maximum, which turned out to be about 60,000 more than the captains is. In disbelief, Ginyu went mad, crashing to the floor, and soaring through the lake before regaining his composure, and coming up with a clever ploy. He used his body change attack after hitting himself hard in the chest. Goku was now in Ginyu's damaged body, and Ginyu was in Goku's light, powerful, unharmed body. Jeice and Ginyu flew off leaving Goku for dead.
61. Nail vs. Frieza
Elsewhere, Nail was fighting Frieza, in an attempt to hold him up sufficiently. Frieza destroyed Nail, and was about to finish him off when the Namek told the evil tyrant his aim, which was achieved, making Frieza leave the injured Nail to die, flying off to find the Earthlings after 'his' Dragonballs.
62. Ginyu (In Goku's Body) vs. Krillen and Gohan
Ginyu tricked Gohan and Krillen into believing that he was Goku, until the Saiyan himself turned up (In Ginyu's body). He told Krillen and Gohan to fight Ginyu (In Goku's body), as he wouldn't be able to get to maximum power. It turned out he was right, as the two Earth people gained a heavy vantage against the captain. Eventually though, Ginyu figured out how his new body worked, and managed to tip the tables in his favor. He fired a blast at Gohan which the kid could never avoid, but it was hammered away by the injured Goku (In Ginyu's Body) as he announced that he has worked out how his new body worked too.
63. Vegeta vs. Jeice
Vegeta was lurking in the shadows upon Ginyu's arrival, and decided to fight Jeice when he tried to assist the captain. The fight went all through Frieza's ship, and eventually finished outside, where Vegeta proved his superiority, and killed the orange guy with a big bang attack, but not before announcing himself to be a Super Saiyan (He wasn't though).
64. Goku (In Ginyu's Body), Krillen, and Gohan vs. Ginyu (In Goku's Body)
Goku (In Ginyu's body) prepared to fight with Ginyu (In Goku's body), with Krillen and Gohan alongside him to help, but he was too injured to do any real damage, with the fight just consisting of Ginyu blocking all the time, until Vegeta arrived on the scene, cocky after his victory against Jeice.
65. Vegeta vs. Ginyu (In Goku's Body)
Vegeta stepped in, and easily destroyed Ginyu, beating him around the floor, before slamming him hard to the ground. He then dived down to finish him off, when Ginyu decided it was time to change bodies again. He attempted the attack, but Goku had predicted it, and intercepted its path, getting his old body back.
66. Goku vs. Ginyu
With both men back in their own respective body, they squared off against each other. Goku stood tall, and charged up a KameHameHa. Ginyu was too hurt to dodge it, after the punch he gave himself earlier was still hurting him badly. Goku shot the beam away, but his aim was slightly off, as he hadn't yet properly adapted to his body again. He fell to the floor, leaving Ginyu to fight Vegeta.
67. Ginyu vs. Vegeta
Vegeta roughed Ginyu up badly, to the point where he could hardly move, with hardly any effort. After failing to change bodies with Vegeta once, Ginyu tried it again, with no Goku to foil him this time. Vegeta interpreted it though, and dodged the attack, causing more pain to Ginyu instead. He was ready to finish him off, knocking him to the floor, and charging in, almost an exact replica as the position he had him in before, when he was in Goku's body. Ginyu prepared the attack, and yelled "Change now!" signaling his body swapping attack. Vegeta had no idea what was coming, and was unable to move out of the way.
68. Goku vs. Ginyu
As Ginyu was about to attack Vegeta with the body change attack, a frog hopped into Goku's hand, giving him an idea. Goku threw the amphibian into the path of the attack, making Ginyu change into a frog, and finishing him off once and for all. Goku was helped into Frieza's ship, where Vegeta put him into a regeneration tank to heal, ready to fight Frieza.
69. Vegeta vs. Frieza
After attacking pretty much everyone, Frieza decided to focus on Vegeta. He charged towards him, and threw two punches, both of which were caught by the Saiyan. The sheer power of the two made a huge crater in the ground, underneath their feet. After a short struggle, the two jumped back, with Vegeta completely out of breath, and Frieza having not even broke a sweat.
70. 2nd Form Frieza vs. Krillen
After transforming, Frieza decided to check out who to kill first. He charged at Krillen who was holding Dende, with his horns leading the way. In a noble move, Krillen threw Dende out of the way of Frieza's flight path, but because of this, he didn't have time to evade the attack himself, thus getting stabbed in the stomach by Frieza's horns. They went right through him, cutting off his breathing passages. After a while, Frieza threw him into the water. Gohan flew after his friend to try and save him, but Frieza blocked him ruthlessly.
71. Gohan vs. 2nd Form Frieza
Gohan couldn't take it anymore, and burst out with one of his anger spurts, beating Frieza up with a multitude of kicks and punches to the face and gut, followed through with an energy beam in the face, which knocked Frieza all the way down to the ground. He then continued the relentless assault with KI blasts, almost machine gun-like in speed, causing a huge cloud, which got bigger with every blast. Gohan finishes it off with an absolutely gigantic masenko. It looked like it was all over, but the smoke and dust cleared, and Frieza got up. He wasn't very happy either. Gohan was too scared to move, and the "mighty midget" was easily disposed of, getting slammed down to the ground. Just as Frieza was about to finish Gohan off, Krillen came back, as healthy as ever! Dende had healed him.
72. Krillen vs. 2nd Form Frieza
Taking him by surprise, Krillen threw some destructo discs at Frieza, with the evil tyrant dodging all but one, which resulted in his tail getting cut off. He chased Krillen around for a while, but the bald midget kept on escaping, with cunning moves. He finally escaped with a solar flare, leaving Frieza covering his eyes. Krillen flew away, and went right past Vegeta, stopping to see what he was staring at. Gohan was getting healed.
73. Gohan, Vegeta, and Krillen vs. 2nd Form Frieza
This fight never actually happened. Gohan was healed, and he floated up to join his two team mates, with them all charging at Frieza, but before they could even throw a punch, Piccolo stood in the way, after finally arriving, having already fused with Nail. It was the fight that could have been great, but in the end wasn't anything.
74. Piccolo vs. 2nd Form Frieza
This fight went back and forth, with Frieza having an overall advantage. Whatever happened though, Piccolo kept on getting back up, and fighting on. When Piccolo takes off his weighted clothes though, the whole concept of the fight changed. He charged up, and then let off a huge ball of energy, sending Frieza flying backwards in agony and awe. When he regains his composure, and has shaken off the beating, Frieza went back over to Piccolo, and, knowing that he couldn't win with his current power, decided to transform again.
75. Piccolo vs. 3rd Form Frieza
Frieza transformed, and looked like a huge, ugly, mutated duck. Piccolo couldn't believe his power level, but still tried to fight him none-the-less. It was immediately clear that any chances of winning had gone directly out of the window. Frieza dominated the fight, and began to slowly destroy Piccolo with one finger beams, laughing as he hit the Namek in every place on his body, causing mass bleeding. Gohan couldn't take any more, and charged in to save his best friend.
76. 3rd Form Frieza vs. Gohan
Gohan charged into Frieza, and nailed him, sending him sprawling downwards to the ground, taking him by surprise. He then sends the biggest masenko that he could have ever hoped to conjure up, directly at the falling Frieza. The evil one desperately blocks the blast, but it is too strong for him to maintain it, and he is slowly driven downwards to the ground in absolutely agony, screaming out in pain. Eventually, Frieza managed to bounce it away, with a huge vein having been formed on his forehead from all the stress he was under during the attack. He decides that he has no choice other than to transform into his final form if he is to win.
77. Ginyu the Frog vs. Bulma
Bulma develops a universal translator, and puts it on Ginyu the frog so he can speak English. Consequentially, he uses his body change attack, and switches into Bulma's body, leaving her as a frog. He then goes off to find Frieza, in Bulma's body.
78. Krillen vs. Vegeta
After seeing the healing capabilities of Dende, Vegeta demands that Krillen blasts him. His plan is that the Namek will heal him, and due to his Saiyan cells, he will be even stronger than before, and able to take on Frieza. After getting annoyed at Krillen's pitiful efforts, Vegeta moves in to attack, but has an energy beam ripped right through his stomach. He rapidly descends towards the ground, gasping for breath, but smiling that the midget managed to do it. Hopefully, he will soon be stronger than Frieza.
79. Final Form Frieza vs. Dende
After achieving his strongest form, Frieza holds his finger out, and shoots a beam at the most troublesome member of his opponents - Dende. He has seen the Nameks healing powers, and wants to kill him before he can help anyone else. The beam rips right through the youth, killing him immediately. Frieza the turns to everyone else, and prepares to decide who to kill next.
80. Final Form Frieza vs. Gohan
Holding out his finger once more, Frieza fires a blast at the person who's been doing him the most damage - Gohan. Due to the speed of the attack, Gohan doesn't even see it coming, and can't so much as mount a defense. Luckily for him though, Vegeta's new found speed and powers allowed him to track the attack perfectly, and hit Gohan in the back of the head, diverting him to safety. He then boasts how powerful he is to Frieza.
81. Final Form Frieza vs. Vegeta
After powering up, Vegeta charged at Frieza, and for a while, it looked as though he had the advantage. After a short bit of dodging punches, Frieza decided to end it, and beat Vegeta to a pulp, showing his incredible speed and strength. He then picked the Saiyan up by the neck, and began pummeling him. Goku arrived on the scene, and demanded that his fellow Saiyan be dropped. Frieza abides by this, after delivering one final punch. Vegeta still isn't dead though, so Frieza shoots a beam right through him. But the Saiyan prince shows great resilience, in trying to tell Goku about Frieza's evil ways in his last gasps of breath. Growing tired of the Saiyans ramblings, Frieza sends another blast right through his chest, killing him properly this time.
82. Goku vs. Final Form Frieza
This fight lasts a while, with Frieza showing his obvious superiority in terms of power. Goku had his moments during the fight though, such as when he used his kai-o-ken times 20, and gained a short, almost insignificant advantage against the evil one. Goku had taken a massive beating, and Frieza had been roughed up a little bit too. Knowing that Goku's strength was far greater than he had estimated, Frieza decides that he has to power up a little more to win.
83. Ginyu (In Bulma's Body) vs. Krillen, Piccolo, and Gohan
Ginyu arrives at the battle field, and accidentally gives his true identity away, attacking Krillen. He can't hurt him in such a weak body though, so he turns to Piccolo, as he is the strongest person there. The Namek is unaware of Ginyu's dangerous abilities, and is almost caught in the body change attack, and would have been had Gohan not have intercepted by throwing Bulma the frog in the way, changing the two back to normal. Ginyu the frog then hopped off away from the battle, and Bulma was confused as to what just happened.
84. 50% Frieza vs. Goku
Frieza powers up to 50% of his maximum, and resumes beating the snot out of Goku for a while. Goku uses his speed and strength to block energy beams, and avoid explosions, but Frieza is always too fast for him to do anything in terms of offense. Suddenly, Goku is enlightened, and knows what he must do. He raises his arms in the air, and begins to charge up a galaxy spirit bomb. There isn't enough energy left on Namek, which is why he reaches out to the stars and other planets. Frieza waits for Goku to attack for a while, but soon grows impatient, and beats the hell out of Goku. Seeing this, Piccolo knows that they must intervene, otherwise it is other for Goku. Instead though, they decide to offer the Saiyan their energy, in the hope that he can gather it for his spirit bomb. He keeps on powering up the attack, until he is knocked onto the floor near a lake. Frieza sees the energy balls reflection, and works out what Goku was doing. He holds out the palm of his hand, and prepares to kill the Saiyan so that the energy ball will just fall to pieces.
85. 50% Frieza vs. Piccolo, Gohan, and Krillen
Just before Frieza can blast Goku, Piccolo enters the scene, and kicks the evil one hard across the face, sending him flying. The Namek knows that he can't win, so tells Goku to hurry up with the charging up of his spirit bomb. Frieza gets up, and is irate. He roughs Piccolo up badly, and notices the shadow of the spirit bomb before he finishes him off. Quickly, he goes over to where Goku stands, but he is sandwiched by two high velocity attacks. Gohan and Krillen stand either side of him, after using the masenko and KameHameHa respectively. Frieza is mad, and forgets all about stopping the spirit bomb. Goku senses something, and realizes it is ready. Everyone notices this, and tries to get out of the way.
86. 50% Frieza vs. Goku and Piccolo
Goku throws the spirit bomb down at Frieza, and it knocks the tyrant backwards, as he is unable to block it. He is pushed down against the ground, before eventually being vanquished. There is a huge explosion, and a hole is made in the planet, where water gushes in. Everyone seems to be alright, but Goku is hurt badly. Frieza seems to be no where in sight. Is he dead? Far from it. He stands on a rock, his finger outstretched, and aimed at Goku. He shoots the beam, but Piccolo dives in the way, and takes the attack for his friend. He is hurt badly, but manages to cling onto his life. Frieza is a bit annoyed at Goku surviving, so he decides to leave him to last.
87. 50% Frieza vs. Krillen
Frieza turns to Krillen, and sends some sort of beam towards him, which gives him ultimate control over the midgets body. It comes at Krillen too quick for him to dodge it, and Frieza laughs manically as he raises the cueball into the air. Goku pleads with the evil one to stop, but Frieza merely laughs more, and makes Krillen explode, finally killing the human pest.
88. SSJ Goku vs. 50% Frieza
Angry at his friends death, Goku manages to complete the famous SSJ transformation. He easily beats up Frieza, having a distinct advantage at all times, only being hurt on occasions. Frieza looks defeated, cowering constantly, and pleading with Goku to stop. Resorting to desperate measures, he throws an energy ball down at the planets core, but finds out that he held too much back, and its explosion will be a delayed reaction, approximately 5 minutes. He fights his hardest, but he just doesn't have the power to win. He decides on blasting Goku backwards, and gathering energy to transform into 100%. Goku soon gets back though, but is curious to see how strong the tyrant is, allowing him to go up to full power.
89. SSJ Goku vs. 100% Frieza
Frieza is now at his most powerful possible state - 4th Form, powered up to full. He fights Goku with is going back and forth, neither man having any real advantage over the other. It is a good fight, and exchange of punches, as the muscular Frieza battles with pure anger in his heart, as does Super Saiyan Goku. Eventually, Frieza hits Goku into a volcano, not allowing him any time to get back up. Thinking Goku is dead, Frieza powers down to 50% again.
90. Gohan vs. 50% Frieza
Gohan returns to be told that his dad is dead, and he cried and pleaded for his life before being killed by Frieza. Of course this is all a lie, and does nothing but enrages Gohan, making him pummel Frieza to the ground. Remembering the kids power, Frieza got back up to his feet, and this time was ready for the attacks, easily hurting the kid, and beating him down to the floor. Frieza works out that Gohan is just trying to buy some time, so that the planet explodes on him, and is ready to kill him once and for all.
91. SSJ Goku vs. 100% Frieza
Before Frieza can finish Gohan off, Goku burst forth out of the volcano he was knocked into, and supposedly died in, scaring Frieza, and making the evil one hastily power back up to 100%. Goku shouts at his son to leave, and the two massive powers go at it again. They are even at first, but Goku's stamina and strength eventually proves too much for Frieza, with him easily beating the evil fiend up. When he goes to leave, saying it is over, Frieza throws a cutting disc at Goku, which homes in. Irate, Goku flies around, easily dodging them, and eventually making them cut Frieza, their creator, in half. Feeling pity for the two-piece tyrant, Goku gave him some energy, then walked off. Frieza used this energy to blast Goku, but the Super Saiyan managed to counter it with one of his own, which was more powerful, supposedly killing Frieza. He then flew off, leaving the evil one to die.
Garlic Jr. Saga
92. Garlic Jr. vs. People
Garlic Jr. is in a town destroying it, and killing many people just for the sake of being ruthless. This a rather pointless fight, with no honor, as he knows he can win, but just proves how evil he is.
93. Gohan vs. Fish
Gohan is swimming in the icy cold water, catching fish for supper. He throws a great deal out, becoming the victor, and earning what he eats.
94. Piccolo vs. Piccolo vs. Piccolo vs. Piccolo
After splitting into four forms of himself, Piccolo fights himself for training, with all of his attacks visually faster, and more powerful. After he feels he has done enough of that kind of training, he merges back into one.
95. Mr. Popo vs. Spice Boys
Garlic Jr's henchmen venture onto Kami's lookout, and in order to achieve their goals, they attack Mr. Popo, and imprison him in a small glass jar. The fight is short lived, with the overwhelming numbers, and Popo's mediocre battle strength.
96. Kami vs. Garlic Jr. and the Spice Boys
Essentially the same thing as the Mr. Popo fight, but with Kami actually retaliating, and causing a fair bit of damage towards Garlic Jr. before the Spice Boys stepped in, and captured Kami in the small glass jar, making him about the same size as the palm of a hand, just as has been done to Mr. Popo.
97. Gohan vs. Chi-Chi
After the blackwater mist has taken effect, all the people on Earth, with the exceptions of Gohan, Krillen, and Marron, have been turned into mindless zombies to do the bidding of Garlic Jr. Chi-Chi is one of these people, and she attacks her son, unable to hit him due to his superior speed, but she relentless attacks all the same. She jumps on Gohan, and he instinctively throws her off him, with her landing hard on the ground. Sorry for his actions, he quickly sprints over to her to make sure she is alright, only to be attacked once more. It goes on for a while, with Gohan having no choice but to continue retreating.
98. Krillen vs. Yamcha
Yamcha is a mindless zombie too, and is mercilessly attacking Krillen, getting the occasional attack on target. The bald midget doesn't want to retaliate though, because he doesn't want to hurt his friend. Krillen continues to run for a while, with no where to go.
99. Marron vs. Master Roshi
Roshi is possessed as a mindless zombie, and true to his perverted nature, he goes after the girl. She throws every single object that is anywhere near her, clunking Roshi on the head constantly, before having to run once more, like the other 'normal', unpossessed people.
100. Spice Boys vs. Gohan
After the Spice Boys arrive, Gohan finds out it was them that did this to all his friends, so he attacks. Obviously one small boy can't take four grown men on by himself, so he loses badly, as they hang him in the air. It looks as though they are going to finish him, when Piccolo steps in to save him.
101. Piccolo vs. Spice Boys and Zombies
Piccolo starts to fight the Spice Boys, but it is soon intervened by the zombie of Yamcha. Piccolo fights with him for a while, then reluctantly prepares to kill them, expecting to be able to wish them back with the Dragonballs after this ordeal is over. Before he can though, the Spice Boys attack from every orifice, and take him by surprise, distracting him long enough for all the zombies to sink their fangs into his neck, supposedly turning him into one of them. Piccolo quickly tells Gohan and Krillen to flee, before passing out from the pain.
102. Gohan and Krillen vs. Spice Boys
On Kami's lookout, Gohan and Krillen met up with the Spice Boys once more. This time though, they engaged in a fight, with two Spice Boys taking them on. Gohan fought a small, red, plump one, and Krillen fought a muscular, hairy, horned one. Both of the Earth's people were beaten severely, but just as Gohan was about to be hit with a powerful energy beam, Krillen dived in the way, taking the blast for him, and it resulted in him getting knocked down, unable to get up. Angered by this, Gohan shot out two Masenko's, killing both of the Spice Boys outright, leaving only two more.
103. Piccolo vs. Gohan
The Namek burst forth from Spice's grip, and uppercuts Gohan in the jaw. The two fight for a while, with Piccolo having an obvious advantage, choking the little Saiyan, and leaving him close to death.
104. Krillen and Gohan vs. Piccolo and Garlic Jr.
Whilst Garlic was watching Piccolo and Gohan fight, Krillen decides to run forward, and try and grab the bottles with Kami and Mr. Popo. He fails though due to a forcefield around the evil one. Garlic Jr. then gets up, and kicks Krillen in the head repeatedly, sending him through a pillar. Garlic Jr. holds out a hand to blast him, but as he lets loose, Gohan makes Piccolo go flying backwards with a sudden rush of energy, hitting the Namek into the path of the beam, and saving Krillen. Piccolo lies on the floor, hurt badly.
105. Piccolo vs. Krillen
The Namek gets up, and is about to grab Gohan violently when Krillen pushes the kid out of the way. Settling for the midget, Piccolo sinks his teeth in Krillen's neck, slowly draining his energy, and turning him into a mindless zombie, just as he and the others have become. Krillen drops to the floor, and shows no sign of movement.
106. Piccolo vs. Gohan
With Krillen out of the way, Piccolo resumes putting a beating on Gohan, hurting him badly with an array of techniques, including splitting up into three separate entities. Gohan is destroyed, and hit through a wall where he meets Krillen. He is already badly hurt, and thinks for some reason that Krillen is on his team, although he was bitten by Piccolo earlier.
107. Piccolo and Krillen vs. Gohan
The two put a beating on the kid, giving him even more punishment than he suffered earlier. Every time Garlic Jr's minions tried to step in, Piccolo and Krillen got in their way, and continued to beat Gohan senseless, due to their supposed hatred of him. Just as Piccolo is about to finish Gohan off, Garlic Jr. steps in, and decides he will finish him off after all. Piccolo grabs the bottles, and throws them to Krillen, who releases Kami and Popo. They reveal that it has all been a trick, and Piccolo was never affected because he is already a demon.
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108. Piccolo vs. Garlic Jr.
Piccolo has a firm advantage in this fight, countering everything that Garlic Jr. could try to do, and paying it back ten fold. After a while, Garlic Jr. can no longer take the punishment, and is forced to transform into a stronger version of his immortal self with use of the machio star.
109. Gohan and Krillen vs. Spice Boys
The two remaining Spice Boys fought with Gohan and Krillen, and seemed to be totally destroying them, until the two Earth's people put together a string of incredible moves, which resulted in the leader, Spice, being impaled on a spike, and the other Spice Boy being blasted with a Masenko. It seems that the fight is over, until they somehow manage to look up at the machio star, which gives them extra strength, and allows them to transform into more muscular, powerful versions of themselves, getting fully healed by the stars rays.
110. Gohan and Krillen vs. Transformed Spice Boys
The two are pummeled, especially Krillen, who is kicked around the floor by both Spice Boys, and put through excruciating pain. He is thrown off the side of the lookout, but when Gohan tries to save him, the Spice Boys get in his way. Enraged at the fact that his friend could fall to his death, Gohan lets loose with two Masenko's, killing both Spice Boys immediately. He then catches up with Krillen, and saves him, bring him back up to the lookout.
111. Kami vs. Guardians
First Kami fights a singular guardian, but then more come, making him have to run away. Hr sprints through the dark, dingy corridors, eventually coming to a stop near the end, and having to face around 5 past guardians. They all slowly suck the life from him. Meanwhile, Mr. Popo is emptying the sacred water into the 7 winds of the Earth, to nullify the dark water mist. It works, and the guardians let Kami go, when they realize that he has done nothing wrong, and there is no point in tormenting him further.
112. Piccolo vs. Transformed Garlic Jr.
Piccolo and Garlic Jr. are fairly evenly matched now, and neither is able to finish the other one off. Piccolo decides to extend his limbs a little, in order to make himself as big as the transformed Garlic Jr., and gains a massive advantage by doing this. It seems that he is going to win easily, until he begins to disappear, because of what is happening to Kami. He swings, but his hand goes right through Garlic Jr's head, allowing the evil one to take advantage, and put a major beating on Piccolo. Seeing that his mentor can't protect himself due to reasons out of his control, Gohan steps in, and catches Garlic Jr's fist, just as he goes for a death punch.
113. Gohan vs. Transformed Garlic Jr.
This was a quick, one-sided fight for for majority of it, with Gohan dominating Garlic Jr. He managed to charge up, and went at such speed that he ripped a hole through his opponents stomach. Following it up with a Masenko, Gohan assumed that the fight must have been over, but Garlic Jr. managed to get up, even stronger than ever.
114. Gohan, Piccolo, and Krillen vs. Transformed Garlic Jr.
Gohan is in the position to be destroyed by Garlic Jr, when Piccolo soars in, knocking the evil one across the floor, and attempting to follow through with a punch, but failing miserably, due to Kami's condition, with him constantly fading out, and making Piccolo do the same. Garlic Jr. pummels him hard to the ground, and prepares to finish him off. Krillen charges in to Piccolo's aid, but is swatted away like a fly. The same thing happens to Gohan soon after, as he is smacked into the piles of rubble.
115. Krillen vs. Transformed Garlic Jr.
On the floor next to Piccolo, with Garlic quickly advancing on them, Krillen knew that he had to do something, and he did. With an awesome array of moves, he used excellent fighting technique to overcome Garlic Jr, and knock him into a huge crater, finishing his sequence of attacks off with a KameHameHa. Of course though, Garlic is immortal, so he managed to get straight back up. He grabs Krillen by the neck, and begins to choke him out.
116. Piccolo vs. Transformed Garlic Jr.
Seeing Krillen in trouble, Piccolo charges in, even though he is in no condition to fight. He hits Garlic in the stomach as hard as he can, but doesn't even dent it, as his hand begins fading away again. Capitalizing on this, Garlic picks up Piccolo by the head in his free hand, now holding both Krillen and the Namek.
117. Piccolo, Gohan, and Krillen vs. Transformed Garlic Jr.
Gohan manages to get on his feet, and yells at Garlic, temporarily distracting him, and allowing Piccolo and Krillen time to escape from the evil fiends grip. They both kick him in the chest, with Krillen simultaneously going down and grabbing Garlic's leg, and Piccolo grabbing his head. They order Gohan to fire, but he knows it wont do anything, but eventually lets rip, although it is too late, and Garlic Jr. is able to break free of the Namek and human's grips, evading the attack in the process.
118. Gohan vs. Garlic Jr.
Garlic Jr. decides that the only way for him to win is to reopen the dead zone, so he does, sucking in everything that dares to be anywhere near. Gohan is forced to put up a KI shield around himself and his friends, in order to prevent either him or his injured friends from getting sucked in. Piccolo orders that Gohan focuses on destroying the machio star, but the kid won't lower the protection of his friends. Garlic keeps on powering up, making the dead zone stronger and stronger, and forcing Gohan to increase the power of his shield, in a fit of rage.
119. Krillen and Piccolo vs. Garlic Jr
Kami returns, and Piccolo regains all of his power, deciding to fly out of Gohan's forcefield, and to attack, and resist the power of Garlic Jr. He floats over, and throws an energy beam straight at the evil one. It is countered by a belly beam from the evil one, as he holds Piccolo's blast in one hand. Knowing that he is the one stopping Gohan from finishing the fight, Krillen flies out of the protection, and battles Garlic Jr. He and Piccolo are stuck, having to put all their effort into blocking Garlic Jr's attack, and resisting the dead zone, while Gohan stands on the floor, thoroughly upset. His friends yell to him to destroy the machio star, and he understands.
120. Gohan vs. Garlic Jr.
With a fit of rage, Gohan charges up a huge ball of energy in seconds, and sends it soaring straight at the machio star, destroying it on contact. Garlic Jr loses all of his power, and shrivels up, before being sucked into his own dead zone, to be eternally imprisoned. The dead zone closes, and Piccolo and Krillen fall back down to Earth. Everyone seems ok, with the rest of the Earth having been cured.
Trunks Saga
121. Trunks vs. Frieza's Henchmen
After the scouters read Trunks' power level at a mere level 5, the henchmen of cyber Frieza attacked, but each show was easily bounced away by Trunks' superior strength. He then charged in, and sliced them all up with his sword, killing them easily.
122. SSJ Trunks vs. Cyber Frieza
Turning to Frieza, Trunks turned SSJ, and toyed with the evil one for a while, deflecting and catching the most powerful attacks and energy balls/beams that Frieza could conjure up. He eventually killed the evil one by using a Burning attack as a distraction, then charging in and slicing him into many different pieces. As a final precaution, even though it was somewhat of an overkill, Trunks used another burning attack, this time on the floating pieces of what used to be Cyber Frieza, killing him without a doubt.
123. SSJ Trunks vs. King Cold
Trunks' next target was King Cold, as he turned to the father of Frieza, and slowly advanced. Cold bets Trunks' that without the sword he couldn't have beaten his son, so the 'mysterious youth' hands his sword to the evil ruler of galaxies to give him a sporting chance. Of course, the sword made little difference, with Trunks catching it in between his fingers, then blasting Cold in the chest, making blood spew from his mouth. Trunks then finished him off by walking up to the evil one, and blasting him right in the face.
124. SSJ Trunks vs. SSJ Goku
After Goku had arrived, Trunks took him to one side, and challenged him to go Super Saiyan. Goku did so, and Trunks was impressed. He then grabbed his sword, and swiped it right towards Goku's face. The Saiyan didn't even move though, as Trunks stopped before he made contact. Goku explained that he searched his feelings, and knew he wouldn't follow through. Trunks threatens to really do it, so Goku charges up his index finger. Attacking fiercely, Trunks uses his sword to try and hit Goku, but the SSJ is too fast for him, blocking everything with his one finger. After a short while, Trunks knows he can trust Goku, and that Goku is stronger than him, so he powers down, and puts his sword away.
Android Saga
125. Piccolo and Goku vs. Gohan
This was during the preparation for the androids, where Goku and Piccolo were training Gohan to become stronger, they double teamed on him a little, slamming him down to the ground, with him impressing them by getting up, and fighting once more.
126. Piccolo vs. Goku
Piccolo and Goku were sparring with each other, and both used their amazing speed to get a short, yet sharp punch across the others cheek, causing blood to trickle down slowly. This was only a short little session, as they went at it a bit more before stopping. No real damage was done to either man.
127. #19 and #20 vs. Yajirobe
When returning to Karin's Tower, Yajirobe's car was shot out of the sky by the evil Androids, crashing down into the sea. Luckily he suffered no harm, and was pulled out by Gohan. The Androids escaped too before anyone else came.
128. #19 and #20 vs. Humans
The two Androids kill many people as they await the Earth's defenses, slaughtering them for no reason. They also destroy a few vehicles with their driver still in. This continues until they realize that Yamcha is on his way, and they temporarily hide.
129. #20 vs. Yamcha
After scouting Yamcha, and finding out that they can draw a fair bit of energy from him, the Androids confront him, with #20 wrapping his hand round the human's throat, and sucking the energy from him, and slowly killing him. He then finishes off the attack by plunging his fist right through Yamcha's body.
130. Goku vs. #20
After seeing Dr. Gero destroy a whole city, Goku attacked him out of anger, knocking his hat off as the punch recoiled through his head. Gero picks up his hat and puts it back on, then Krillen takes the injured Yamcha away to safety.
131. Goku vs. #19
Goku leads the Androids to a battlefield, and fights 19, winning until the pain from his heart disease kicked in. He then fires a KameHameHa which is absorbed by the Android, increasing his power, and allowing him to beat Goku. Eventually the virus gets the better of him, and he is unable to maintain his Super Saiyan form, collapsing on the floor, and leaving himself vulnerable, and allowing #19 to capitalize and absorb Goku's energy.
132. #20 vs. Piccolo
After seeing Goku lose his energy, Piccolo goes over to help, but is blocked by #20. He tries to get past by recklessly kicking him, but is hit with an eye laser, and drops to the floor. This is later revealed to be a mere distraction so Goku could be saved.
133. Vegeta vs. #19
Seeing Goku losing his energy, Vegeta burst onto the scene, and hit the Android off him, then kicked Goku into Piccolo's hands, out of harms way. He then turns super Saiyan, and easily defeats #19, until the diabolical robot wraps his arms around Vegeta, absorbing his energy. Vegeta lets him at first, then rips the arms of the artificial human, following it up by killing it with a Big Bang attack.
134. Vegeta vs. #20
After killing one Android, Vegeta challenged the other, but it ran off, scared of the Saiyan's confidence. Vegeta grabbed a sensu bean, healed himself, and pursued the Android, eventually having to look for him due to the coward hiding. Becoming impatient, Vegeta tried to blast him out, but that is the opportunity that #20 was waiting for. He dived out into the open, and absorbed Vegeta's energy beam.
135. Piccolo and Gohan vs. #20
#20 pounces behind Piccolo, and puts his hand over his mouth to absorb energy. Piccolo psychically contacts Gohan to tell him he's in trouble, and is saved by the boy, who pelts the Android to the ground. Everyone else then arrives, as Vegeta prepares to fight #20.
136. Piccolo vs. #20
Piccolo takes a sensu, and fights #20 instead of Vegeta. He easily beats the Android, surprising him with his powerful strength. This continues until Trunks arrives, and provides enough of a distraction for #20 to escape and go back into hiding for a while.
137. Dr. Gero vs. Man
On his way back to the lab, Android #20, now revealed as Dr. Gero, is shot by a man who mistook him for a deer. Gero gives out a small KI blast, and makes the man end up stuck up a tree and hurt badly, although not enough to die.
138. Dr. Gero vs. Krillen
On his way back, the evil Android is spotted by Krillen, and the two go at it. Of course Krillen gets the snot pummeled out of him, and is left barely hanging onto his life as Gero flees back to his lab after beating up the short warrior.
139. #17 vs. Dr. Gero
After being activated, #17 grows tired of his creators orders, and kicks his head clean off, sending it rolling across the floor, and ending the evil doctors dream of eternal life.
140. Trunks vs. Androids
Seeing that the Androids guard is down, Trunks shoots his most powerful blast into Gero's lab. Unfortunately it doesn't effect them at all as they dodge it easily, before flying off.
141. Vegeta vs. Trunks
As Vegeta attempted to pursue the Androids, Trunks blocked him telling him not to go. Of course the Saiyan ignored him, and after a few warnings, he punched Trunks in the stomach then continued to fly after the evil artificial humans.
142. Vegeta vs. #18
After it seemed even for a while, #18 showed Vegeta that she had been toying with him the whole time, and effortlessly beat him up, breaking his arm with one swift kick.
143. #18 and #17 vs. Trunks
After seeing his father hurt, Trunks flies in with his sword only to have his swipe blocked by #18, then have #17 come behind him and slam him to the ground.
144. #17 vs. Tien and Piccolo
After seeing Trunks get hurt, Tien and Piccolo fly in to help out, but Piccolo is nailed straight to the floor by #17, and Tien is put in a chokehold. The Namek later gets up and goes back after 17, but the Android releases Tien, then nails Piccolo to the floor, leaving them both in a crippled heap.
145. #18 vs. Trunks and Vegeta
This happened at about the same time as the previous fight, with #18 seeing Vegeta trying to help Tien, then grabbing him by the foot, and throwing him into Trunks, taking Trunks out of commission, and hurting Vegeta badly.
146. #18 vs. Vegeta
Vegeta attempts to get a quick KI blast in at 18 while she isn't focusing on him, but she dodges it and knocks Vegeta down, and he doesn't get up from this one until fed a sensu after the Androids have gone.
147. Piccolo vs. Krillen, Trunks, and Tien
Angry at having to resort to going to Kami for help, Piccolo throws a KI blast at the ground by the trio, forcing them to evade it, worried about how the Namek is reacting. Krillen assures them he's just annoyed at having to fuse with Kami, and didn't intend any harm to come to them.
148. Androids vs. Bikers
The Androids are chased by bikers in their car, with #17 running down a few of them before one smashes the window of his vehicle. He and 18 then get out and petrify the remaining bikers with a display of power. They run off, then the police come and try to arrest them. All three of the Androids break out of the cuffs, and 18 throws the police car into a cliff, making it explode.
149. #18 vs. Police
After stealing some clothes from a nearby shop, #18 got back into the van, and the three Androids sped into the distance. Inevitably annoyed by the fact his stock was stolen, the shopkeeper rang the police who quickly located the Androids. #18 became tired of the incessant wailing of the police's sirens, and their constant threats to tell the far strength-superior Androids to stop, so she sorted out the problem. 18 flew at the cars, and destroyed them within seconds, completely wrecking the vehicles before returning back to her van.
Cell Saga
150. Piccolo vs. Cell
Piccolo faced up to the newly revealed monster with his newly found powers, ready for a colossal showdown. The two battled hard, but it was clear that the super Namek was by far superior in terms of power, destroying Cell even though he had his weighted clothes on. Cell managed to gain a slight advantage when he absorbed Piccolo's arm, causing the Namek great pain. It turned out it was done purposely by Piccolo to find out about Cell's origins though, as the Namek just regenerated the injury.
151. Army vs. Cell
The army arrive to see Cell having the upper hand on Piccolo, and rain down an array of awesome firepower on him, but to no affect. Cell easily destroys them all, then moves his attention back to the Namek.
152. Cell vs. Piccolo, Krillen, Tien, and Trunks
Piccolo has been beating up Cell a little more when his friends arrive to give their unnecessary assistance. With Piccolo temporarily distracted, Cell takes utmost advantage, flying up into the air and using a devastating solar flare, blinding everyone with the Sun's brilliant white light. With the excellent opportunity presenting itself, Cell escaped to try and absorb some people and gain more power.
153. Cell vs. People
Cell ventured into a small town, and despite the resistance, he crushed everyone, absorbing them into himself and increasing his power. With his ability to hide and sense KI, he was able to escape whenever the Z soldiers neared, giving him a huge advantage over them.
154. Cell vs. Girl and Boy
Cell went into a small room after having absorbed everybody in the whole area, able to sense a small KI signature of a young girl, and even younger boy. He kicks over the table which they were hiding under, and chases them all the way outside.
155. Krillen vs. Cell
Krillen is flying around, hoping not to spot Cell when he notices the girl and boy running from something, before seeing Cell coming out of the building. He floated down, thoroughly regretting his decision to fight, and battled Cell, with him being the obvious loser, managing to get a few good shots in, but not enough to injure his opponent. Just when it looked like Krillen was going to die, Piccolo and Tien arrived, making Cell flee once more.
156. Piccolo vs. #17
This was arguably the best fight in the whole of the series, with both warriors equally matched in terms of strength. It went back and forth with an awesome variety of techniques and skills from the two, with Piccolo rapidly getting worn down whilst #17 stayed fresh with his infinite energy. Before either of them could gain victory, the fight was interrupted by an unwanted visitor.
157. Cell vs. Piccolo
Piccolo saw Cell and immediately attacked, not allowing him to absorb 17, but was defeated effortlessly due to Cell's newly found power. He had his neck broken with an incredible feat of strength, before being tossed into the water.
158. Cell vs. #17
Seeing the supposed death of Piccolo, 17 charged right in at Cell, his efforts just as futile as Piccolo's, as he was unable to get a shot in, before getting pummeled into the ground. Just as it looked as though Cell was about the absorb the helpless Android, yet another interference commenced.
159. #16 vs. Cell
The silent giant tapped Cell on the shoulder, then delivered a powerful punch, sending the malicious fiend flying backwards, before following it through with a manner of attacks, really sending Cell onto the ropes. He then slammed him deep into the ground with an incredible attack, with the fight seemingly over.
160. Cell vs. #17
17 began to get cocky, expecting that Cell has been defeated by his ally, only to have the beast float up behind him after burying under ground out of sight, and attempt to absorb him. #17 fought valiantly, but eventually had to give in to the behemoths might, becoming part of Cell, and allowing him to go to his second stage.
161. Imperfect Cell vs. #16
After seeing how much more powerful Cell has become, 16 charged in, only to be batted right down with a huge chunk being hit out of his head. Cell then diverted his attentions to #18.
162. Imperfect Cell vs. #18
18 saw Cell advancing on her, and firing her most powerful energy balls, only to have Cell take them full on, and emerge unharmed. He widened his tail, ready to absorb #18, when an unexpected visitor interfered.
163. Tien vs. Imperfect Cell
Tien unleashed wave after wave of his most powerful attack, the Kikoho (Tri Beam), keeping Cell at bay, although he wasn't causing him any damage. During this time #18 and #16 managed to escape, with Tien collapsing due to lack of energy, and letting Cell pursue, although it was too late for him to find them.
164. Goku vs. Imperfect Cell
Goku could take no more of being a spectator, and teleported to the battlefield, picking up Tien and Piccolo (finding out the Namek was alive by a feint power signature), then threatened that he would beat Cell in just a few days time. Cell then tried to attack him, but before he could land a punch, Goku teleported away.
165. Vegeta vs. Imperfect Cell
Vegeta came out of the room of spirit and time and confronted Cell, easily defeating him with his newly found super powers. After much whining though, Cell convinced Vegeta to let him find and absorb #18 so he would become more powerful.
166. Imperfect Cell vs. Trunks
Trunks refused to allow Cell to pass and absorb #18, opting instead to fight him, proving that he was just as powerful as Vegeta by giving Cell a beating.
167. Vegeta vs. Trunks
Annoyed at his son interfering, Vegeta went over to Trunks and beat him back, allowing Cell to go and absorb #18. Trunks refused to be pushed around though, blasting Vegeta miles back with an awesome beam.
168. Imperfect Cell vs. #16, Krillen, and #18
Imperfect Cell used a solar flare in order to make his job easier, before easily defeating the trio of Krillen, 18, and 16 in a fight, with them all blinded and unable to seer what they were aiming at. Cell then smacked Krillen and 16 silly, before going on to absorb #18, with Trunks unable to get their in time to stop it, much to the delight of Vegeta who'd just arrived back on the scene.
169. Perfect Cell vs. Krillen and Trunks
After becoming complete, the first thing Cell did was take the best of attacks from Trunks and Krillen, with neither one able to so much as make him cringe. Even Krillen's Destructo disc didn't work, just breaking in half upon making impact. Cell turned round, and with one swift kick he knocked Krillen to the floor, breaking many of his bones.
170. Perfect Cell vs. Vegeta
Vegeta then challenged Cell, expecting a challenge this time round. The two fought with the winner seeming to inevitably be Cell, until Vegeta tricked him into taking a Final Flash full on, with the result being that half of Cell's body was blown right off. Fortunately for him though he was able to regenerate it due to having Piccolo's cells, and after that he effortlessly knocked Vegeta unconscious.
171. Trunks vs. Perfect Cell
Krillen took Vegeta away leaving Trunks to become a fully Ascended Saiyan and fight Cell. At first it seemed he would win until Cell informed him that his speed was lacking with his improved strength, proving his point by absolutely destroying Trunks effortlessly. The Earth's last hope then realized resistance was futile, and powered down, ready to take his death like a man. Cell decided that he'd like to fight them all a a higher strength though, and said he'd arrange a tournament provided that everyone gets powerful enough to challenge him this time. He hadn't even begun to show his full strength yet...