Goku Biography
This life story will cover only Dragonball Z, as that is the only series that I have seen. The only reminiscent of Dragonball in this biography will be the occasional references to when Goku was a small child. With that said, read on, to take in the first part of the biography.
Goku is one of the worlds most powerful warriors, and every time there has been a formidable challenge or foe come up against him, he has rose high above anything in his way. Goku is without a doubt, the strongest warrior in the galaxy by the end of Dragonball Z, with his carefree attitude, his compassionate heart, and his superb fighting skills; he is a force thats not to be reckoned with.
As a child, Goku was born a low level soldier, who screamed incessantly in his bed. His father saw him as an outcast, and allowed him to be sent to the planet Earth, to conquer it. He fell off a cliff whilst there, and lost his programming, forgetting about hurting everyone, and becoming the kind hearted, compassionate warrior that we all know. He made some good friends in Krillen, Bulma, and a former enemy of his Yamcha. As his life went on, he became friends with the other Z fighters Tien, Chao-zu, Piccolo and Vegeta. Born with a tail, it was removed because of the trouble that it caused, allowing Goku to transform into some kind of huge monster, which was the eventually downfall of his grandfather, despite the fact that Goku didnt realize what he was doing. He accomplished a host of good things too in his lifetime, all of which are mentioned here, in this huge, detailed life story.
Goku has one of the biggest families in the whole series. Almost everyone who belongs to it are fantastic warriors, or at least well-known. His father was a Saiyan named Bardock, a great fighter who was the man who found out about Friezas plans to destroy the planet Vegeta (The Saiyan homeworld). He discarded Goku at first, but soon after regretted the decision, and wanted to meet with him again, but it was too late. Frieza had killed him.
His Earth father was an old man named Gohan, who found Goku after he crashed in his pod, and adopted him, caring for him a lot, and despite Gokus harsh attitude at first, after he fell down a cliff and bumped his head, he soon grew to love his saviour. Gohan was very close to Goku, until his death, where he was crushed by a monster. The monster was Goku in his transformed state, where he had no control over his actions, and didnt remember anything that had happened.
Goku married a young lady called Chi-Chi, a somewhat moody person, with black hair, and an over protective attitude towards her loved ones. She had been rescued by Goku when he was just a boy, where she had made him promise to marry her. A long time later, when they were both adults, they met at the 23rd Tenkaichi Budokai, where they fought, with Goku winning easily. After the battle Chi-Chi reminded Goku of the promise they had made, and he agreed to marry her (when he had made the promise as a child, he thought that marriage was some kind of a food). They grew old together, and had two children, both sons.
Gokus first son was a young child who he named after his grandfather. This boy started off to be a shy, whining crybaby, but ended up being stronger than Goku at one point. The momentum of the training was quickly diminished as Chi-Chi made Gohan do more studying and less fighting.
The second son of Goku was a kid named Goten, someone with a beaming smile, and a comical personality. He was a winner with many of the fans, being dubbed as the cutest character in DBZ.
Over the course of his life, Goku did a lot of training. This is the secret to his strength. Whenever his friends were in danger, he would train even harder, gaining a new level of power. He didnt become the fighter that he was by himself though. Many people took him under their helm, and trained him to be fluent in the martial arts. When Goku was a small boy, his Grandfather Gohan trained him. When he had learnt and become fairly prestigious in martial arts, he went on to be trained by Master Roshi, where he learnt a host of new techniques, including the popular KameHameHa attack. The next two trainers that he had were Kami the Namek, who allowed Goku to use his room of spirit and time, and Karin the cat, who taught Goku a great deal about calmness in battle. His final trainer was possibly the most popular one King Kai. He helped Goku become infinitely stronger, and taught him a wealth of new attacks and techniques, including the Spirit Bomb, and the Kai-o-ken.
This biography will cover only DBZ, as that is the only series that I have seen, and anything else would be second hand information, taken from other sources which could be inaccurate, so I think it is best to do what I know. Anyway, onto Gokus life story.
The epic tale starts off with Goku in the woods, behind his small country house. He is chopping down trees for firewood with relative ease. After a short while he stops, and goes off to search for his son, Gohan. It takes him a short amount of time to find him, as he finds along on nimbus, a flying cloud that can only be ridden by the pure hearted. He finds his son hanging from a stray branch that comes out of a cliff, screaming loudly, with tears pouring down his cheeks. He is wearing a yellow and green top and trousers combination, which makes him look very smart. On his head is a large hat with a Dragonball mounted on the peak. Goku picks his son up, and they fly off together on the nimbus. Goku tells Gohan that they are going to a reunion.
A while later, Goku lands with his son on a small island. It is the place where the reunion is taking place, and Goku meets up with all his old friends Krillen, Bulma, and Roshi. They talk for a while, and Goku introduces his shy son, who is hiding behind his leg. They all catch up for a while, talking about how they are and laughing at each others jokes.
Gohan walks over to the seashore, and begins playing with a crab under the watchful eye of his father. It seems as though all is perfect, until an uninvited guest turns up. The guest introduces himself as being called Raditz. He is very tall and muscular, with long, black hair flowing down to his ankles. He is wearing brown body armour, and a peculiar device over his eye. Raditz explains to all that Goku is his brother, but refers to him as Kakarot. He goes on to say that Goku is also a Saiyan, and he also shouts at him, accusing him of losing his programming. Goku has no idea what Raditz is talking about though. Raditz also says that Goku has lost the ability to transform because he has no tail. Goku explains that he had it removed when he was a child, but Raditz doesnt care. He demands that his brother joins him, but when Goku refuses, he gets mad. Raditz contemplates what to do, looking menacing all the time. Goku gets into a fighting stance, preparing for the inevitable. Raditz sees this, and decides to put Goku in his place, by using astounding speed to get directly in front of Goku, a mere few inches away, and plant a knee in his brothers gut. Goku falls to the floor in agony, holding his stomach, gasping desperately for air.
Raditz is surprised at how comparatively weak Goku was, but still orders that he joins him none-the-less. He grabs Gohan, and tells Goku that if he doesnt destroy an absurd number of people by the end of the day, then he will never see his son again. Raditz then takes off, with Gohan, flying away with amazing speed, soon disappearing into the distance, becoming a mere spec on the horizon. Goku can only plead with him to let Gohan go, as he is still unable to get up.
A while later, Goku is back on his feet, and limping into Roshis house. Once inside, he begins fuming over the man who kidnapped his son, and vows to get vengeance, and save Gohan. Everyone tries to convince him to stay, because there is no chance that he can beat such an overwhelming power, but Goku doesnt care, as he bravely asks for ideas to find them. Bulma suggests the dragonradar, which locates Dragonballs. Goku remembers the hat that Gohan is wearing, and takes the radar gratefully. Everyone wishes Goku good luck as he sprints out of the door, preparing to take off for Raditz. Before he can go anywhere though, an old rival lands.
A green man, just a little taller than Goku, with pointed ears, and a white hat and shoulder cloths approaches Goku. Its Piccolo! Ever since Goku was a kid, these two have been enemies, and have attempted to kill each other on a number of occasions. Piccolo tells Goku that he has witnessed Raditz power for himself earlier on, and he knows that they will need to work together to beat him. Goku is reluctant to abide at first, but he knows that it will benefit Piccolo too, as he wants to become the number 1 bad guy. Goku agrees in the end, and calls for his nimbus. It picks him up, and the two most powerful warriors in the world are off, searching for Gokus brother Raditz.
Goku and Piccolo find Raditz and Gohan, and keep their power levels to a minimal, so as to not be located. They find out that Gohan has been shoved inside Raditz pod to be kept quiet. Raditz hears them though, and jerks round, fixing his gaze upon them. He picks up that small device which goes over his eye, and puts it on,. after taking it off assuming it was broken. He reads the levels of Goku and Piccolo, and is not amused in the slightest. They all exchange words for a while, taunting each other, and threatening each other, until the fight finally starts.
Goku and Piccolo charge in, desperately trying to get a shot in, but unable to as Raditz makes a mockery of them with his supreme speed. He is easily winning the fight, as he occasionally swats one of his opponents away with hardly any effort. He doesnt even break a sweat in systematically dismantling the two warriors. After a short while, Goku and Piccolo know that they are going to have to take more drastic actions in this fight, so they take a quick break to throw off some off their clothes. Goku takes off his boots, his wrist bands, and his T-shirt underneath his fighting uniform. Piccolo takes off his white hat, and his shoulder pieces. Both fighters drop their departed clothes to the ground, with them making a huge thud. Dust is thrown up as the weighted clothes land. Goku and Piccolo firmly believe that their power levels have increased now that they have down that, so Raditz checks using the scouter. He tells them that their levels are still just as low, but his voice is very unconvincing.
Goku and Piccolo charge in again, this time seemingly a little faster than before, although they are still unable to land any punches or kicks. Raditz toys with them for a while, before sending Goku soaring backwards. Piccolo can only watch as Raditz taunts him. Goku floats up into the air, and tries to use a bit of strategy. He holds back his arms, and begins to charge up a KameHameHa. He watches Piccolo distracts Raditz for him, as the energy is ready. He launches it hastily towards Raditz, with Piccolo diving out of the way. Raditz sees a blink on his scouter, and turns round to see Gokus beam coming straight for him. He starts to run, using incredible speed, but after a while, decides to try and block it. He skids to a halt, then jerks round, with his arms outstretched. The beams hits him with massive force, as dust and smoke cloud Goku and Piccolos vision. They think that surely it must be all over from that attack, but Raditz emerges, unscathed. Goku cant believe it, and is in dismay. He wonders how they could possibly beat such a strong fighter, but then Piccolo comes up with a master plan. He tells Goku to distract Raditz whilst he charges up his most powerful attack, a drilling energy beam that he was actually saving for Goku himself! Goku nods obligingly, and runs into attack, while Piccolo has his forefingers by his forehead, generating a few sparks, starting the powering up of the attack.
Goku charges at Raditz, and gives all that he has, moving at an almost undetectable speed. He still isnt fast enough though, as Raditz easily dodges and counters each and every punch and kick, eventually sending Goku skidding across the floor, hurt badly. Before Raditz does anything else though, his scouter blinks, and he turns round to see Piccolo firing his special attack, dubbed the Special Beam Cannon. Goku watches on from the floor, hurt badly. Raditz can only watch in horror as it closes in on him, and eventually makes contact. Somehow though, Raditz had managed to use his superior speed to semi-dodge the attack, sacrificing only the shoulder piece of his armour, as that is what was hit. Piccolo cant believe that anyone could possibly move so fast, and can only look on in fear and awe. Raditz looks to Piccolo in frustration, but sees that Goku is getting up. He tells Piccolo that he will deal with Goku first, and then him.
Goku struggles to his feet, and prepares to fight some more with Raditz. He puts everything he has into it once again, but he is no match for Raditz, as he is pummelled, and beat as if he was an insignificant flea. Raditz beats Goku to the point where he is unable to get back onto his feet, and laughs, then turns to Piccolo. He starts to taunt him, and raises his arm, charging up an energy ball in his hand. It is shining brightly, and Piccolo can only watch in fear. Before Raditz can do anything though, he falls to the floor, losing the energy in his hand, screaming out in pain. Behind him stands Goku, bruised, battered, but not beaten. He has clenched Raditz tail hard in between his hands, and tells him that he remembered how much his tail hurt when he was a kid. Raditz pleads with him to let go, and Goku begins to think about it. Piccolo screams at him not to, and begins charging up another Special Beam Cannon, in the hope that this one can finish off Gokus brother. Goku has an agonizing change in his conscience, and reluctantly and compassionately lets go. Piccolo yells at him calling him an idiot, and Raditz swiftly jumps to his feet, and delivers a penetrating elbow to Gokus face, knocking him down. Raditz then stands on Gokus ribs, putting a great deal of pressure on them, laughing with all his might, like a maniac. He taunts Piccolo, but the green man knows he cant do anything until his attack is fully charged up. Goku screams out in agony as Raditz increases the pressure, laughing manically all the time. It seems as though all is lost, until Gokus screams get to his son.
Raditz pod bursts open, and Gohan flies out with spectacular speed, headbutting Raditz in the ribs before he has a chance to do anything. Raditz staggers back, but manages to stay on his feet, as he has a huge hole in his armour. Gohan sits up, unaware of his surroundings, not knowing how he came to be in such a place. Raditz cant believe that the strongest person on the planet is a mere kid. Raditz takes Gohans power level reading again, but it rapidly drops back down, so he knocks him out with a weak kick. Gokus brother then turns to the only remaining warrior Piccolo. The green man can do nothing apart from hope that his attack is ready in time. Slowly Raditz advances on him, ready to deliver a fatal blow. It seems that it is the end, when Goku manages to spring yup, and grabs Raditz arms in a full nelson pose. He holds on tightly as Raditz desperately tries to break free. The blow that Gohan dealt him has weakened him too much though, and he is unable to overpower his brother. Goku can feel his ribs breaking as Raditz uses his immense strength to try to overpower him. Still Goku doesnt give up though, holding on tighter than ever. Piccolos beam is ready, and Goku courageously tells him that he will give his life to stop Raditz. Piccolo doesnt argue, seeing how it would be pretty convenient for him to be rid of his two biggest enemies in one blow. He launches the beam, and it cuts right through Raditz, and then through Goku. Blood splatters everywhere, as Goku falls back, after his grip releases from Raditz. They both hit the floor with a huge thud, and try to get up. Neither is able though. Raditz laughs, in agony, and tells Goku and Piccolo that there will be two more Saiyans on their way, each one 5 times stronger than he, to avenge his death. Raditz then dies outright. Goku is angered by this, but can do nothing to stop it, as he slowly begins to fade away. Piccolo looks on, knowing that it is the work of Kami. Goku says bye, and to wish him back, then disappears to the heavens.
Goku is greeted by Kami up in heaven, and they go to King Yama, and he is given permission to run snake way, in order to gain training from the great Martial Arts master King Kai. He excitedly thanks King Yama and sprints along snake way, being careful not to fall off, hoping to arrive at his destination in the near future.
After countless weeks of running, Goku finally begins to near his target. Before he can run anymore though, he decides to take a quick nap, so that he can regain some of his energy. Before he does though, a man comes past, sweeping the road in a small, car-like contraption, similar to those used to clean streets, and he offers Goku a lift. Of course, Goku obligingly accepts, and starts to sleep on the back of it. They get a short distance, when the driver of the road cleaner comes to some bumpy road, and his vehicle is thrown about the place, making Goku shoot off. Unaware of what is happened, Goku continues to sleep, bouncing off snake way into the depths of all that is below. He falls with a hard thud, hurting his back quite a lot. It doesnt take him long at all to recover though, and he is up in no time. The place that he has fallen to is Hell (Even though FUNi tried to censor it to HFIL, the idiots!) Two ogres approach Goku, both very tall and muscular, one blue with scruffy hair, and one red with slicked hair and glasses. Goku asks for help and they are somewhat reluctant to, but agree to do it on one condition Goku beats them in the thing that they are best at. Goku delightfully agrees, as he is first challenged by the blue ogre, to a wrestling match. Although unfamiliar with the concept of wrestling, Goku is still willing to give it a try, knowing that he will be stuck there forever if he loses. The blue ogre draws a circle around Goku and himself with a club, and explains the rules The first one out of the circle loses. Goku nods his understanding, and they begin. The blue ogre starts things off by charging angrily at Goku, and tackling him hard, pushing backwards, and not even the Saiyan can stop himself from skidding backwards. Before Goku is right on the end though, he manages to stop himself, and holds the blue ogre in position. He then asks if it is his turn yet, obviously missing the whole idea of the fight, but the ogre tells him to do what he wishes. Goku then pushes him back lightly, almost sending him sprawling out of the circle. The ogre regains his balance just in time though, and manages to stand tall, a rigid blockade. Goku then begins to punch the thin hair, with it getting faster and faster, up to the point that so much breeze is given off from them that the ogre is knocked out of the circle by it. Happily, Goku asks how to get out, and back onto Snake Way.
The blue ogre shows him the flying machine, which apparently shall work in getting Goku back up through the cloud. Willing to try anything, Goku agrees to take part in the experiment. The flying contraption consists of two major parts A huge plank of wood, and a small balance weight in the middle, rather like a crude catapult. The ogre runs to the top off a small cliff, then jumps off it, onto the empty end of the device. Goku is flung up into the air, soaring through the sky, laughing all the way, thinking that he is finally going to get back onto Snake Way. He can see the streaks of light bursting through the cracks in the clouds, but suddenly screws up his face in pain, as he finds out that the clouds are extremely hard, and almost impenetrable. He falls to the floor holding his head, and rolls around in pain for a while. When he gets back to his feet, he shouts angrily at the ogre in a harsh tone, but is met only with laughter. Before the blue ogre can do anything else, the red one comes, and tells the blue one to do the filing and paperwork, while he deals with the Saiyan. The blue ogre reluctantly walks off, leaving his brother, the red ogre to play with Goku.
The red ogre tells Goku that he will race him, and all that the Saiyan needs to do to be told how to get out of Hell (HFIL) is to catch him. Goku thinks that it will be easy, and gleefully agrees to it. The red ogre sprints off into the horizon with outstanding speed, and slowly starts to pull away from Goku. Knowing that he hasnt got time to mess around, Goku sprints after the red ogre, moving very fast. He starts to catch up, but the ogre sprints away, moving even faster than before. Goku is up to the challenge though, and manages to catch up, and get in front of him, trying to pounce, but missing. The chase continues like this for a while, with the two men using vehicles to chase one another, and the gap staying about the same all the way through. Getting tired with the game, Goku decides that they should talk a break, and walks off over to a tree, which is the only thing growing in the whole place. It bares some yellow fruit, which glistens brightly. The ogre pants hard, trying to catch his breath, and shouts at Goku that he isnt allowed it. Goku doesnt care though, and runs off to it, with the ogre in pursuit. The Saiyans has hatched a devious plan, and the ogre has walked right into it. Goku runs round the tree, with the ogre close behind him, begging him not to even joke about something as important as this, but Goku suddenly turns round, and attached himself to the ogre. Realizing what happened, the ogre curses out of frustration, as Goku prevails, with his plan working to perfection. Beaten, the ogre decides that it is only right to show Goku the way out.
Both the ogres are back together now, and they show Goku the way out. They lead him to a huge staircase, ascending to a huge height. It is so high in fact that no light can be seen. Goku thanks the ogres, then takes out some of the yellow fruit from his pocket, and the ogres beg him not to eat it, as it is King Yamas special reserve, and it can give someone energy for three months. Goku laughs, then takes a bite out of it, finishing it all off in seconds. The ogres are very annoyed at this, but Goku just waves bye and sprints up the staircase, noting his improved energy reserves.
Goku reaches the top of the staircase, and sees a dim light. He struggles to move what seems to be a slab of somekind, eventually shifting it, only to kind out that he has ended up inside King Yamas drawer, right at the start of Snake Way. Very aggravated at the ogres, Goku quickly hops out, and starts his run along Snake Way again.
A few months pass, and Goku is nearing the end of his trip. He is starting to run low on energy though, because the fruits effects are fast wearing out. He sees a huge palace, and decides to find out if they are hospitable enough to feed him. He gets in, and they turn out to be some of the kindest housekeepers that Goku has ever met. They feed him, and bathe him, but when he says he has to go, they talk him into staying for one last meal, and he reluctantly accepts. The people of the palace all resemble snakes, walking snakes in a humanoid form. They try to drug Goku, but fail, so they put an absurd amount of the drugging materials in there. Goku is eventually knocked out unconscious, and starts to dream of his wife and kid. The people of the palace see this, and know that he can never be persuaded to stay, so they decide to eat him instead. Before they can though, he awakens, and realizes what is going on. The whole room seems to begin to swirl, and Goku becomes conscious of the obvious truth. He is inside some sort of reptile. With incredible speed he bursts out of its mouth, with it turning out to be a snake. It chases Goku with inconceivable speed, breathing fire at him, and almost frying him. Goku comes up with an idea though, and charges at the snake, weaving in and out, eventually making the large reptile knot itself up in a tangled heap. Goku waves bye, laughing as he outsmarts another enemy, and finally gets back on track to King Kais.
A short time later, Goku arrives at the end of Snake Way, after all of his suffering and hard work, only to find out that it is merely a dead end. He looks very annoyed until he sees what is above him, a small round planet. He jumps up as high as he can, and is sucked onto the planet because of the ridiculously high gravity level on it, and he struggles to stay on his feet, with his legs shaking under the pressure of his massively increased weight. Gokus training is soon to start, but he can only hope that it will be enough to save everyone from the threat of the Saiyans.
He sees a monkey walking past, waving its arms slowly up and down, squeaking as all monkeys do. Goku assumes this is King Kai, and thinks that he has to copy him, so he begins walking around waving his arms. He does this for a short while, until the real King Kai appears. He is a short, overweight catfish-like creature, with a humanoid figure. He ahs two tentacles sticking out of his head, and a black uniform on. He laughs at Goku for thinking that he was the monkey, and says that he will begin the training if he can make him laugh. Goku is puzzled by this, but attempts all the same, with his legs shaking under the pressure all the time. He doesnt understand why it is so hard to stand here, and Kai explains that the gravity is 20 times what Earths is on his planet. Goku groans, and begins the task of making him laugh. After a few attempts of failing miserably, he finally accomplishes the task by delivering a joke so incredibly badly that King Kai cant help but laugh his head off. He agrees to train Goku, much to the Saiyans delight.
The first task set to Goku is to catch Bubbles the monkey. After whining at the apparently simple nature of the request, Goku reluctantly chases Bubbles. He has a lot of trouble just getting close to the monkey, let alone grabbing it. He pursues Bubbles with relatively fast speed, but still not enough. He slowly begins to gain, but cant quite get right on the monkeys heels. He goes to grab him, but Bubbles suddenly shoots off into the distance, leaving Goku on the floor, in a world of pain. He tries to contemplate on his next move, and decides to take off his weighted top and boots. This makes him a lot faster, but still doesnt quite give him the speed required to complete the task. He stays close to Bubbles, and comes close to catching him on a number of occasions. Before Goku can make another move, his stomach starts to rumble. He politely asks for food, and is granted it, taking a quick break from training. Bubbles has a banana, and Goku has bowls full of food, putting King Kai in awe over the amount that he is eating. After a bit of a shock, Kai serves more food, and leaves Goku on the floor, temporarily unable to move because of the amount that he has eaten. Kai realizes this, and regrets giving him so much, but within seconds Goku is on his feet, chasing the monkey again. Before he can get any momentum, King Kai orders him to put his weighted clothes back on, as they make the training more effective. Goku does so, albeit a little unenthusiastically, then begins to chase Bubbles again. He slowly gets used to the gravity, his speed increasing all the time until he can finally keep close to Bubbles. He dives for him, but misses by a few inches, and slams his face against the concrete path. He is up almost immediately, and comes up with an idea. He runs the opposite way to Bubbles, intercepting him, but not quite able to catch him. He continues doing this for a while, then manages to become close enough to pursue him properly, grabbing him before he can escape again. King Kai is amazed at how fast Goku has gotten used to the high gravity, and believes that he is the one.
The next mission for Goku is to hit Gregory, a small cricket with huge eyes, and absurd speed. The Saiyan is a little annoyed by this, because he was hoping that King Kai would train him personally. The martial arts master informs him that he will be trained under his helm after he has hit Gregory with the hammer. Kai then makes a huge hammer appear in his hand, and tosses it to Goku. The Saiyan catches it, but then is pulled down by its extreme weight. Kai knows that he has never given a trainee such a heavy mallet, but believes that Goku can do it none-the-less.
Gregory charges up, then soars through the air, straight at Goku, knocking him off his feet. Goku is surprised by the speed of the cricket, and gets back up onto his feet. This sequence continues for a while, until Goku finally gets the hang of swinging the hammer, and is used to its weight. He begins to move around Kais planet, pursuing Gregory with a great deal of ease. Before anything else happens, King Kai calls for a lunch break. Goku drops what he is doing, and zips inside with great speed. He scoffs down the food at an incredibly fast rate. King Kai tells Goku about the Saiyans, and how the gravity of their planet is the same as his, so they get to train in naturally tough conditions. He also says that they have a natural ability to fight. Goku hops of his seat, angry at all this, but he calms himself down, then runs out to chase Gregory again, casually telling Kai that hes a Saiyan too as he goes out.
He swings for him, but misses, destroying the ground, Kais car, and knocking down many of the trees on the planet. All this damage contributes to Gokus training though, as his sluggishness decreases with every blow. He keeps on narrowly missing, and comes up with an idea. He throws the mallet straight at Gregory, and the cricket flies away. Goku then sprints his fastest down the opposite side of the planet, on an intercept course. He arrives just as the hammer outruns Gregory, and he catches it, swinging towards the cricket, and merely tapping him on the head with no real force. Gregory complains, but after a bit he accepts defeat. The cricket laughs at Goku telling him that he couldnt hurt him even if he tried, until the Saiyan points out the small lump on Gregorys head. Everyone laughs, including Gregory (Eventually). King Kai cant believe how powerful Goku has become, and how well he is completing the designated tasks.
Goku asks King Kai if it is time for him to train under the martial arts masters helm, and Kai tells him that it is. He asks Goku if he is ready to learn the techniques that he was unable to, and Goku nods seriously. The training will soon begin.
70 days pass, and everything goes ahead relatively well, up until the last day. King Kai tells Goku that it is time to review all that he has learnt, and Goku is pleased to oblige. First he must see how fast he can catch Bubbles. The monkey sets off, then Goku does, catching up Bubbles in less than a second. Kai is amazed, but doesnt let it distract him. He then launches Gregory away, and Goku manages to seemingly disappear and reappear in front of the cricket, tapping him on the head with the hammer. Kai checks the stopwatch, and sees that it says 1.2 seconds, an amazing speed, and a huge improvement to what it was at the start. He then has to go through his spirit bomb technique. He draws in all the energy from all living things on the planet, and struggles to form it into a ball, succeeding in the end. He then feels out the energy as King Kai throws a huge cube at him, with Goku blasting it with the Spirit Bomb. Kai is amazed at how well the Saiyan can control the energy, but reminds him that it will take a lot longer to gather the energy required on Earth, as it is a bigger planet, meaning more life forms. Goku understands.
Before he leaves, Goku says bye to everyone. King Kai gives him a new battle uniform too Basically the same as his old one, except it bares his symbol on the back. Goku is pleased with this, and is about to leave when suddenly a dilemma hits Kai. He forgot to add the number of days that it would take for Goku to run snake way in his calculations. Goku is irate at this, it took him almost a year to do it first time. King Kai informs him that he will be able to do it in just under two days now, with his improved speed, but that is a day late, as there is only 24 hours left until the arrival of the Saiyans. Kai apologises, and Goku doesnt have time to argue. The halo disappears from his head, signalling that the people on Earth have wished him back to their physical plain. He waves bye, then speeds away, coming straight back at them, then jumps high above the planet, onto Snake Way.
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Goku Biography
Goku is messing around, boasting to himself about how light he feels, but he realizes that he doesnt have the time to play about, and gets serious, speeding along the long, almost never-ending path, hoping to arrive in time.
It takes him a few days, but finally he gets to the end of Snake Way, and is greeted by Kami, a green man with pointy ears and wrinkles, who looks like an older version of Piccolo. He teleports them to the physical plain of Earth. Goku dives off Kamis lookout, calling for the nimbus. He shoots past Karins tower, getting tosses some sensu beans as he descends. He then lands on his nimbus, and soars away towards the battle, only able to hope that he isnt too late. He quickly shoves a sensu bean in his mouth, recovering all of his energy.
Goku arrives on the battlefield just as Nappa is about to destroy Gohan. He saves his kid with remarkable speed, leaving Nappa pondering what just happened. Gohan is on the nimbus, unaware of what had happened himself. He then realizes that his dad has arrives, as Goku goes and puts Krillen next to Gohan. He breaks the one remaining sensu bean in half, and shares it between his son and his best friend (Gohan and Krillen). They both jump up immediately, fully recovered. The two Saiyans watch in amazement, as they didnt know that there was anything on Earth that could heal people so quickly. Goku then turns round, and sees that all his friends are dead Yamcha, Chao-zu, Tien, Piccolo, each one of them have perished. Goku turns to the two Saiyans, and examines them for a few moment. The strongest one is only small, with his long hair sticking up on end, not too different to Gokus, and a slim figure. The other one is a far more intimidating sight, very muscular, and gigantic in size. He has no hair on his head, but a trim moustache going along the top of his lip. The big one begins to boast that he was the one who killed everyone, single handedly. This angers Goku, and he begins to approach the big guy, whos name is Nappa. Krillen and Gohan try to warn Goku of Nappas obvious strength, but Goku neither cares nor is he frightened in the slightest. The battle between these two is about to begin, with one of them inevitably suffering death at the end of it.
It is started off with Nappa swinging wildly at the Earths Saiyan, but missing on every occasion. Goku makes sport of the huge man, dodging every single attack easily. No matter how hard Nappa tries, he cant lay a finger on Goku, swinging everywhere, but Goku just jumps up and down, and dodges everything. He becomes tired of the pointless attacks, and jumps over Nappa, kicking him in the back before landing perfectly. Nappa is sent skimming across the ground, before getting up with a little trouble. He moans about how much that hurt, but Goku tells him that he was only warming up. Nappa charges at him again, rage filling his eyes, and he swings with utmost anger, aiming to kill Goku with his brutal fists. Every time though, Goku easily evades the attacks. Goku backs off slightly to give himself some room, then sprints towards Nappa aggressively, with hatred filling his pure heart. Before he gets to Nappa though, he seems to disappear then reappear because of his incredible speed. He lands on Nappas head, looking straight forward, calmly standing tall with his hair blowing in the breeze. Nappa tries to grab Goku, but misses, as the Earths Saiyan sees an opening, and jumps down the floor, then buries his fist deep into Nappas gut, sending the big man onto his knees in agony, gasping for air, as his pupils narrow, and pain overcomes him. He starts threatening Goku foolishly, and aimlessly, failing in his attempt to intimidate his rival. Goku angers him by telling him how weak he is, so Nappa gets back up, and starts to fight again. Once again though, he is unable to touch his opponent, wildly swinging for him all the time. Nappa gets so annoyed that he backs off, and begins to float into the air. Goku watches intently, curious of what the Saiyan will try next. Nappa holds out his hand, and begins charging energy in it, looking down on Goku who stays standing on the floor. He then launches a powerful beam towards his enemy, and Goku sees it coming, easily having enough time to defend himself. Instead though, Goku spreads out his arms, and lets it hit him full on in the chest. Smoke surrounds him upon the collision, and Nappa thinks that it is over. When the clouds of dust and smoke disappear though, Goku stands proudly, not even a single scratch on him. Nappa cant believe it, and Goku decides it is time for him to strike. He charges at his opponent, and slams his fist into him, knocking him backwards. He then speeds into his flight path, and intercepts him with a kick, saying that it is for Piccolo, one of Nappas many victims. He then watches as Nappa hits the ground hard, causing a small mountain of rocks to collapse. Goku looks on, and lands, expecting it to be over. Vegeta thinks that Nappa is finished too, so he prepares to fight.
Some rocks move, then a beam comes out of them, and out soars Nappa, irate, his fury taking over him. He slowly advances on Goku, until Vegeta warns him to keep calm, otherwise his fighting will suffer. Nappa does his best, and manages to cool off, then begins smiling at the opponent who he hasnt even managed to hit yet. He charges up furiously, becoming very powerful, and begins exchanging punches with Goku. The two both try and get shots in, but neither can get past the others defences, and they end up in a slight stalemate. Just when it looks like no one is going to get any sort of advantage, Goku gets a shot in, and knocks Nappa backwards slightly. The big man is so angry at being overpowered that he prepares his most powerful attack. He opens his mouth, and shoots a beam out of it, catching Goku completely off guard. The Saiyan watches hopelessly as the beam closes in on him, the realizes that he must counter it some how. He quickly drops his arms by his side, and launches a fairly weak KameHameHa to combat Nappas blast. Both meet in the middle, and cause an explosion, showering the two Saiyans with smoke. Vegeta is amazed at Gokus obvious speed, with him managing to counter that blast, even though Nappa was right in his face when he shot it. Goku is ready to fight some more, as is Nappa, but Vegeta tells his friend that he cant beat Goku, as he hasnt even laid a hand on him yet, so he should step down. Reluctantly, Nappa does so, and floats down to the ground, trying to work out what to do for fun. Suddenly, he begins flying towards Gohan and Krillen, who are both situated near as rockface, cowering in fear of the huge man. Goku sees what he is doing, and gives chase, but is unable to reach him because of the distance lost at the start. Knowing that he has no choice other than to us the attack, Goku charges up a kai-o-kan, and rapidly approaches Nappa, slamming his fists hard into his back, then speeding down to the ground and catching him. Nappa is shaking because of the beating that he has taken, and is unable to move. Goku stands, holding Nappa with one arm, and his hair blowing in the wind. He throws the huge Saiyan to Vegetas feet, and tells him that hell survive as long as they get him to a doctor soon.
Krillen and Gohan cant believe the power of Gokus kai-o-kan attack, and he explains that it is a technique he learnt at King Kais, and that it drastically improves a persons vision, hearing, speed and strength. The downside is that his whole body could explode because of the upsurge of energy. This worries Gohan and Krillen slightly, but Goku assures them that hell be fine. Before he can say anything else though, Vegeta has thrown Nappa into the air, and blown him up with amazing power, because he failed him. A powerful wind spreads across the whole battlefield because of the pure intensity of the attack, and the Earths Special Forces struggle to stay on their feet. Once Vegeta has disposed of his failure of a partner, he turns to Goku, and prepares to fight him, hoping for it to be interesting. Goku orders Gohan and Krillen to leave, and they understand, for Vegeta could use them against Goku if he got hold of them. They helplessly wish Goku good luck, as he shouts to Vegeta. Goku tells Vegeta that he knows a better place to fight, and he leads the way, taking the Saiyan prince to an isolated, rocky place, which is totally inhabited. The two colossal powers prepare to fight, in what will be an absolutely epic battle.
Both men begin charging up, trying to increase their power to the full extent. With a roar, Vegeta flies in at Goku with incredible speed, so fast in fact that it seems as thought he disappears then reappears right in front of his fellow Saiyans eyes. He then zips behind Goku using this amazing speed, and goes for a punch. Goku manages to block it though, and starts to deliver some of his own. Not even one comes close to making contact though, as Vegeta laughs manically, easily avoiding and blocking everything thrown at him. Eventually, he becomes tiresome of the constant blocking, and uses his immense speed to seemingly appear behind Goku, slamming his fists into his back, and sending his fellow Saiyan crashing to the floor. Goku struggles to his feet, in agony, but doesnt give up, none-the-less. He grieves over his pain shortly, then smirks at the power of Vegeta. The Saiyan prince gives him the choice of joining or dieing. Goku doesnt respond, but is merely thinking to himself, praying that his body can hold together during his next attack. He spreads out his legs, and starts to give a fairly weak cry, which becomes louder and louder, eventually becoming a scream, as he is surrounded in a red aura, with small rocks being raised by the intensity of his power. He signals that it is time for Kai-o-ken times 2. The small ridge that he is standing on shakes a little, with its foundation constantly weakening. As it crumbles, Goku charges up more, suddenly diving off, and attacking Vegeta, taking him completely off guard. Goku uses the improved speed to get behind Vegeta, and slam him to the floor. Before he can do anything else though, Vegeta regains control of his flight path, and avoids Gokus next attack, managing to get a shot of his own in. The Saiyan prince informs Goku that he has encountered something a little like that upon his travels, so it will be ineffectual on him. Goku still attempts to fight on though, despite the fact that he knows his efforts will pretty much be in vain. The two men battle on, with both of them getting the occasional shot in, but neither doing too much damage. Vegeta manages to force Goku into defending, pounding away at his stomach letting out years of rage on him. Goku is being destroyed, as Vegeta hits him down to the ground. Goku manages to reverse it though, and lands on his feet in mid-air. He then floats down to a tall tower of rock, and sets down there. Vegeta also floats down, landing on a piece of rock opposite his opponent, then whining to Goku how he expected it to be more interesting. The Earths Saiyan assures his enemy that it will become more than interesting in a short while, which intrigues Vegeta.
Goku begins to charge up once again, before yelling out Kai-o-ken times 3! The ground underneath him shakes, powerful gusts of wind is thrown up in all directions, and huge rocks rise out of the ground, due to the sheer power of Goku. A red aura flies around him, transparent enough to make it visible to Vegeta the amount of pain that Goku is suffering during this charge up. The screaming intensifies, with the volume of it becoming progressively more thunderous, as the Saiyan prince can only watch on in awe. Gokus red battle uniform begins to rip to shreds, leaving only reminiscent traces of it on his chest, with it becoming totally useless. Goku storms in, just as the stone pillar that he stood on collapses. A punch to the face later, Vegeta is being sent flying backwards. Goku charges in, but Vegeta uses a rock face to gain momentum, as he bounces off it, and delivers a fist to Goku, sending him to the floor. The Saiyan is up in less than a second though, charging in at Vegeta once again. Before he can get too close though, a fireball is sent in, with Goku barely dodging it, as it storms past and explodes upon hitting a small mountain. Because Goku couldnt quite fully dodge the fireball, half of his top was burnt cleanly off. Goku looks down on it, and rips the other part off. His muscles are currently swelling to a far greater size than they should, because of the strain that Kai-o-ken is putting on his body. Vegeta then launches more of the same type of attack, but each one is easily dodged, as Goku comes in closer, hitting Vegeta through the air. As he dives in to follow through though, the Saiyan prince launches a small energy beam at him, which Goku dodges easily, and slams a fist hard into Vegetas face, sending him soaring into a cliff. It looks like it is over, until a small beam comes vertically out of the rubble, followed by a huge explosion, with Vegeta emerging, his face full of fury and hatred towards Goku. He flies in, and starts to exchange punches with his Saiyan counterpart, with Goku catching both of his fists, and crushing them with incredible strength. Vegeta backs down, screaming in pain. Goku then delivers a very brisk, yet powerful knee to his opponents gut, knocking him backwards. Vegeta lands on a small pillar of rock, and falls to the floor, holding his stomach in agony. He cant believe that he is being bettered by a third class soldier, a weakling, someone who should have a powerlevel of under 1000! Goku looks on, watching Vegeta shall his external pain, and gasp for air. After a few seconds though, he is back on his feet, and truly irate. He knows that he isnt powerful enough to continue to fight on against Goku, so he decides to resort to far more desperate measures.
Goku watches as Vegeta floats into the air, laughing insanely. Wondering what he is doing, Goku continues to watch, until he realizes the obvious truth. Vegeta shouts it to him as well, to certify Gokus suspicions. The Saiyan prince is going to blow up the whole planet! He begins to charge up his Ganet Gun, building up energy all the time. Goku knows that he hasnt fully recovered from the last attack, and using Kai-o-ken times three again could make his whole body explode. He knows that he has no choice though, and charges that attack up again. He then begins to power up a beam to counter Vegetas. Deciding that the KameHameHa would be the best form of attack, Goku spreads his arms behind him, and begins uttering the wordsKaMeHaMe The ball begins to form in his hands, crackling energy swells there, as the blue light of it is given off, lighting up the sector that Goku stands in. Vegetas attack is close to complete, as electrical charges jolt around his body, and his aura of which he is charging the attack up in. Finally it is ready, and just before Goku releases his beam, Vegeta fires the Ganet Gun down at Earth, with the current of it electrifying, and the beam so intensive that it shakes the whole planet up. Ha! Goku finishes charging up his beam, and launches it to counter Vegetas. The two meet in the middle of the two respective warriors, and neither one seems to be getting any sort of an advantage, both pushing the other one backwards slightly. Vegeta is in dismay at how Goku could rival his beam with one of the exact same power. Goku cant believe that his body is still holding together, and decides to take a major risk, using the Kai-o-ken times 4 attack, knowing that he wont be able to hold out for long. The KameHameHe reaches a new level in destructive force, with an extras surge of energy going through it, about three times as big as the original beam because of Gokus Kai-o-ken times 4. Vegetas Ganet Gun is slowly forced backwards, back upon him, until eventually it is no more, and has completely disintegrated. Goku puts one final surge of power into his beam before having to finish it off, and it does enough to collide with Vegeta, and send him soaring away out of Earths atmosphere. He screams out in pain as it blasts him away, as he has been beaten by the more powerful man.
Goku is barely standing, his body so badly worn out from all the effort put into it. His biceps bulge a bit, then make a queer sound, causing him unimaginable pain. He attempts to stay standing, and only just manages it, wincing at the pain all the time. He is greeted by an old friend, who runs out from behind the rocks and congratulates him on his amazing performance. Its Yajirobe! A short, fat man with scruffy hair and a sword. He commends Goku on his amazing strength, and tells him that he was cheering him on all the timesilentlyfrom behind the rocksin the shadows. He insists that he wasnt hiding, only making Goku laugh. He then slaps him on the back, making the Saiyan roar out in pain, with the shrill cry echoing through the whole wastelands. Yajirobe backs off, as he realizes how maxed out Goku really is. The Saiyan tells him that Vegeta isnt beaten yet though, and will soon be getting off his beam. Yajirobe has seemingly disappeared now, and Goku doesnt notice where he has gone until he hears the fat mans car zooming off into the distance, as he chickens off once again. Goku is left standing, in absolute agony, hoping that Vegeta will be too hurt to fight on.
Vegeta does get off Gokus beam, and looks around for something. He cant believe that he has been defeated by a third class soldier, but manages to calm himself down, before floating down to Gokus level. He comments on how someone has conveniently removed the Earths moon (Piccolo did it when training Gohan, because his tail made him turn Oozaru, where he had no control over himself, and was a total wrecking machine). Vegeta then shows Goku a trick, claiming that it was made up by the Earths Saiyans own father, and also claiming that it will be his undoing. Vegeta powers up a small ball of energy in the palm of his hand, which shines brightly, making Goku wonder what it is. His queries are soon answered as Vegeta thrusts it up into the air, laughing all the time. Goku still doesnt understand what it is, until Vegeta stares at it, and becomes infuriated even further, undergoes some kind of transformation. He clenches his face in pain, as he grows bigger in size, and starts sprouting fur. His face slowly mutates into that of a monkey, and he grows all the time until he is the size of a small skyscraper. Goku looks on in fear, knowing what a monster this guy has become. His armour remains on him somehow, perhaps it stretches to any size, Goku doesnt know, but he does know that he is in deep trouble now. Vegeta has turned into a gigantic ape-like creature called an Oozaru. He tells Goku that in this form, a Saiyans power increases 10 fold, putting Goku into a state of overwhelming terror. Vegeta laughs manically, as he prepares to destroy he enemy. The sky has turned into a dull, lifeless black because of the sheer intensity of Vegetas energy that is being given off.
Goku looks up in fear, but then gains control of his thoughts again, overcoming the somewhat overwhelming power of fear. He remembers his past. The way his granddad which he loved so dearly was stomped on by a monster who looked just like Vegeta does now. He eventually comes to the conclusion that it must have been Vegeta who killed him (Although this is totally wrong, and, well, farfetched, proven wrong, and ludicrous, Goku believed in it, despite the fact that it was him who killed his granddad by transforming back when he had his tail, and losing control of himself).
Goku powers up his triple Kai-o-ken attack, giving his body extreme agony. He charges at Vegeta, but is swatted away into a wall, like a mere insignificant fly. Goku cant believe the power of his Saiyan rival, as he realizes that at the moment, his only chance is to retreat. He hides behind a cluster of rocks, awaiting the Oozaru, hoping not to be noticed. He is unsuccessful though, as Vegeta slams his fist through a wall, laughing manically. Goku watches as the wall crumbles around him, and Vegeta laughs hysterically. Goku dives out of the way, just in time, narrowly avoiding death. Goku charges up a Kai-o-ken times 2 attack, and storms in at Vegeta, dodging the first punch, but getting caught by the second, and being sent into a heap of rocks. Vegeta is finding this hilarious, as Goku struggles to get to his feet again. The Oozaru Vegeta begins to fire small balls of energy at Goku, but cant quite connect with any, until Goku was almost close enough to attack, when one hit him, and sent him soaring backwards. Goku gains a small bit of space, and holds his arms into the air, shouting Triple Strike. Before he can use it though, he is merely swatted away by Vegetas huge hairy fist. Goku comments on the remarkable speed of the ape, despite its towering size. He knows that he must try something soon, but he is struggling to come up with ideas. He is limply standing, holding his arm in agony, and barely able to mount any sort of defence. Vegeta laughs, then charges in rapidly, ready to deliver the death blow. Before he reaches Goku though, the Saiyan shouts to him that he is going to use a trick learned from Tien. He yells out Solar Flare, and spreads his fingers across his face. A blinding flash of white light fills the battlefield, coming from the sun, with Goku quickly flying away so that he isnt caught in its radiance. The Oozaru Vegeta is temporarily blinded, and he is desperately trying to regain his vision, attempting to remove the pain from out of his eyes. Goku gains enough distance, then comes to a halt, standing on the rock. Its time for his most lethal attack. If this hits, then the battle will be over. He spreads out his arms above his head, plants his legs firmly in the ground, and begins calling for power from all living things, charging up the Spirit Bomb. White energy gathers slowly from all of the plants, trees, oceans, animals, humans, and all other things living. A small white aura surrounds Goku, shining brightly, as it is slowly becoming ready. Eventually, after much agonizing waiting, Goku announces that it is finished. He looks over to where his opponent is, and sees that he has recovered, and is angrily looking for him. Spotting Goku, Vegeta flies in with incredible speed, wanting to finally finish the fight. With a great deal of pain and struggling, Goku manages to form the energy gathered into a ball, wrapped around his clenched fist. He waits for Vegeta to become closer to him before throwing it. Suddenly, Vegeta shoots a blast from out of his mouth, taking Goku completely by surprise, and knocking him backwards into a wall, making him lose the majority of the energy that he gathered. Goku lies on the floor, close to unconsciousness, barely managing to keep his eyes open. Every single part of his body has been destroyed, and he cant even congregate the energy to get back onto his feet. He watches in a mixture of fear and worry as Vegeta gets closer to him, the Oozarus heavy steps shaking the whole landscape. Goku knows that this may be the end, as he is fully maxed out, with nothing left to give. Vegeta towers about him, taunting him mockingly. Goku looks up, ready to take his defeat, but instead of finishing him off properly, Vegeta stands on Gokus legs, crushing them completely, breaking them in every place imaginable. Goku lets off a piercing scream of agonizing pain, breathing heavily, trying to cover up the grievous pain on his face. Vegeta laughs as Goku is put through a world of hurt, then raises his index finger (Which is about twice the size of Goku) and announces that the end is nigh. He then soars through the air with his finger, laughing manically, as Goku looks on in terror, with one of his eyes half open, and the other shut completely. He gives off that trademark smile which is always given when hes in trouble. Without warning, Goku raises his arm, and shoots a small KI blast from out of his palm, aimed straight for Vegetas eye. It managed to make contact, and provide such pain that Vegeta pulled out of the finger attack which would have easily finished Goku. He roars in pain, yelling at Goku for destroying his eye. Goku looks up, realizing that he has absolutely no energy left after that attack. That was everything remaining inside him, all built together for one final attack. It appears that the end shall soon come.
Vegeta stops groaning over his frustrating injury, and looks towards Goku, with the sore eye shut, with burn marks all over the perimeter. In an effort to make the death more agonizing, Vegeta picks up his fellow Saiyan with one monstrous hand, and begins to crush the life out of him slowly, making him scream loudly in pain. Goku cant even see what is happening, because his eyes are shut with anguish. His ribs crack the break, and Vegeta laughs sadistically. Vegeta leaps up into the air all of a sudden, and a destructo disc flies right under him. He sees Krillen and Gohan, back to fight some more. He disregards them, calling them insects and tells them that his huge ears make his hearing infinitely better. Vegeta turns round, resuming crushing Goku, ignoring the two people who came to his opponents aid because they are insignificant to him. Suddenly, he lets out a roar of pain, just before finishing Goku off, and slowly deteriorates into a much smaller being, eventually ending up his usual, Saiyan self, of humanoid form, like he was at the start of the battle. Goku is dropped to the floor unable to move, very close to death. Yajirobe scuttles back into the shadows, as Vegetas huge Oozaru tail hits the floor. The fat man holds his sword tightly, after he was the one of all people, who cut off Vegetas tail! Goku doesnt realize this yet, and remains lying motionless on the floor. Vegeta sneers about the fact that he is going to destroy the person who sliced his tail off, making Yajirobe sweat even more, out of complete fear. Vegeta has been weakened so much though, that his fighting power is comparatively low to what it was when he was fighting Goku.
Vegeta sees Gohan and Krillen arrive, and curses himself for ignoring them earlier. He stares them in the eye though, and sees that they are too scared to move. Laughing sadistically, he walks over to Goku, and starts to beat him up even further, for no good reason. He tears him apart, taking him even closer to death. Gohan has seen enough, and comes to his dads aid, matching Vegeta punch to punch, but unable to get a shot in. Vegeta is amused by this, and decides to play along, not trying particularly hard because of his far superior power. Whilst the two are fighting, Goku calls Krillen over. Amazed that the Saiyan can still speak after the beating that has been put on him, Krillen quickly runs over, to serve him in whatever way possible. Goku gives Krillen the energy that he gathered earlier for the Spirit Bomb, telling him that he managed to save only a small portion of it. Krillen takes it, and forms it into a ball. Goku directs him on to a rock, as he waits for the time to be right, feeling out the surges of energy. Goku puts all faith in his best friend, knowing that he wont be able to make another Spirit Bomb, even if it is another weak one.
Krillen feels it out, and finds that the time is right. He launches it towards Vegeta, who has Gohan cornered. Somehow, the evil Saiyan senses it coming, although he didnt have that power when he landed on Earth. Knowing that he must have picked it up, Krillen curses as Vegeta manages to avoid it, and it goes straight for Gohan. The kid is paralysed with fear, watching the energy coming straight for him. Goku contacts him psychically, and tells him to bounce the energy towards Vegeta, as it wont hurt anyone with a pure heart. Obeying his dad obediently, Gohan punches the energy right towards Vegeta, taking him completely by surprise, and shooting him backwards. The Saiyan prince is caught on the end of the beam, and soars upwards, eventually getting off it, and falling right to the ground. Goku knows that it isnt yet over, and cant do anything to help.
Thinking that the fight is over, Yajirobe taunts Vegeta, until the Saiyan gets up. Yajirobe is petrified, and Vegeta kicks him round the floor, easily beating him up. Once Yajirobe is beaten, Vegeta turns round to Gohan, and holds his tail, ready to rip it out, then defeat the son of Goku. Yajirobe then somehow gets up, and slices Vegeta in the back with his sword. Thinking that he is dead, Yajirobe celebrates, until Vegeta gets up, laughing that the attack didnt even pierce his armour. He then hits Yajirobe into a pile of rocks, making them all collapse on top of him. Thinking fast, Goku yells to Gohan to look up at the sky, towards the orb. Vegeta turns round; in disbelief that Goku is still alive. When he resumes looking at Gohan, the kid is rapidly growing. Vegeta quickly starts pulling at his tail, but it is too late, Gohan has begun the transformation, and is now too big for anything to be ripped off him. Vegeta battles for a short while, with Goku sensing the powers all the time, hoping that his son can win. The fight goes on, with Vegeta eventually managing to blast Gohans tail off, sustaining heavy damage in doing so. Vegeta thinks that it is now over, with Gohan out of the way, but the kid suddenly starts to shrink, and as he falls, he lands on Vegeta, still heavy enough to crush the Saiyan. He slowly regains his original form, and lies on the floor, unconscious. Vegeta has been squashed, and he can hardly move now, agony rushing through every part of his body. Vegeta draws the energy to press a button on a remote control, which calls his ship. It lands near him, and he crawls over to it, very slowly. Before he gets into the ship though, Krillen meets him, holding Yajirobes sword high above his head, ready to finish the evil Saiyan off. Goku shouts to let him go though, and to show mercy like they would want done to them. Krillen reluctantly drops the sword, and Vegeta climbs into the pod, claiming that hell be back to destroy them all. Krillen takes Gohan over to Goku, and comforts them for a while. Then a ship comes, with Master Roshi and the gang in. They are here to rescue everyone, albeit they are a little late, and wouldnt have been able to do anything even if they had been on time. They load the warriors onto the ship, and take them all over to the hospital.
Left in hospital, recovering from his serious wounds, Goku was left to contemplate all that has happened recently. His son, and friends leaving for Namek, making him stay in bed to recover, the defeat of Vegeta, hoping that he wont come back to haunt him, and the death of his friends. He considers all this for a while, and decides that he can wait no longer, sitting back in bed. He is visited by Master Roshi, who brings him some fruit and cakes, but eats most of the cakes himself. he begins to train Goku a little bit, making him get down on the floor and do sit-ups, and Goku is happy to oblige, even in his weakened, bandaged state. He is soon interrupted by a nurse though, as she comes in and tells him to get back into bed, because he needs the rest. She also tells Roshi that an old man such as himself shouldnt be eating so many cakes, embarrassing him thoroughly. She puts Goku back in bed, and leaves. Goku is told about the situation on Namek, Vegeta is there, and there is a huge power beyond anything that anyone has ever seen. This makes Goku desperately want to get there to help out.
A while later, after everyone is long gone, Goku decides that he is probably healed enough to start training. Not wanting to just sit back whilst everyone else in the Universe is getting stronger, he hops out of bed, and undoes all of the bandages. He then puts on his red combat clothes, and fits his boots on. He then shoots out of the window, soaring away from the hospital. He searches for a safe place to train, and finds a somewhat isolated, uninhabited desert. He decides to put his newly gained powers to the test, as he starts to use his mind to pick up a pyramid, demonstrating the incredible increase in strength since the Vegeta battle. He manages to move it around a little, but in the end the strain is too much for his still-injured body, and he ends up collapsing, falling rapidly to the floor.
Goku reawakens in a hospital, with every frowning down on him angrily. He knows that he hasnt yet recovered, and must spend waste more time waiting, doing nothing. It looks as though Goku is going to be stuck in bed for a while longer, until Yajirobe walks in, arrogant as always, and tosses Goku a bag. Its contents are a few sensu beans, which he eats appreciatively. Within seconds he is back on his feet, jumping around, fully recovered. He rips off all of his bandages, and excitedly gets dressed. He has been in hospital for 9 months now, and he is overjoyed to be able to escape from the confines of the building. He dives out of the window, and yells for the nimbus cloud, landing on it before touching the ground.
Left in hospital, recovering from his serious wounds, Goku was left to contemplate all that has happened recently. His son, and friends leaving for Namek, making him stay in bed to recover, the defeat of Vegeta, hoping that he wont come back to haunt him, and the death of his friends. He considers all this for a while, and decides that he can wait no longer, sitting back in bed. He is visited by Master Roshi, who brings him some fruit and cakes, but eats most of the cakes himself. he begins to train Goku a little bit, making him get down on the floor and do sit-ups, and Goku is happy to oblige, even in his weakened, bandaged state. He is soon interrupted by a nurse though, as she comes in and tells him to get back into bed, because he needs the rest. She also tells Roshi that an old man such as himself shouldnt be eating so many cakes, embarrassing him thoroughly. She puts Goku back in bed, and leaves. Goku is told about the situation on Namek, Vegeta is there, and there is a huge power beyond anything that anyone has ever seen. This makes Goku desperately want to get there to help out.
A while later, after everyone is long gone, Goku decides that he is probably healed enough to start training. Not wanting to just sit back whilst everyone else in the Universe is getting stronger, he hops out of bed, and undoes all of the bandages. He then puts on his red combat clothes, and fits his boots on. He then shoots out of the window, soaring away from the hospital. He searches for a safe place to train, and finds a somewhat isolated, uninhabited desert. He decides to put his newly gained powers to the test, as he starts to use his mind to pick up a pyramid, demonstrating the incredible increase in strength since the Vegeta battle. He manages to move it around a little, but in the end the strain is too much for his still-injured body, and he ends up collapsing, falling rapidly to the floor.
Goku reawakens in a hospital, with every frowning down on him angrily. He knows that he hasnt yet recovered, and must spend waste more time waiting, doing nothing. It looks as though Goku is going to be stuck in bed for a while longer, until Yajirobe walks in, arrogant as always, and tosses Goku a bag. Its contents are a few sensu beans, which he eats appreciatively. Within seconds he is back on his feet, jumping around, fully recovered. He rips off all of his bandages, and excitedly gets dressed. He has been in hospital for 9 months now, and he is overjoyed to be able to escape from the confines of the building. He dives out of the window, and yells for the nimbus cloud, landing on it before touching the ground.
In a mere few minutes, Goku is at the Capsule Corporations grounds. He is greeted my Mrs. Briefs, and she takes him to her husband. He is hard at work on a ship, and Goku sees it, delighted that hell be able to go to Namek to help out his friends, who he senses may be in trouble. Dr Briefs tells him that the ship isnt quite ready yet though, but when Goku finds out all it needs is a Cappuccino machine, he dives in, and gets started off away as soon as he can. Dr Briefs warns him that hell really want a cup of Cappuccino, but wont be able to have one. Goku couldnt care less though, and takes off for Namek.
He trains intensively hard on the way, pushing himself to the limit, and then some. He goes from 20 times the Earths gravity, to 30 times on the graviton, making training a lot harder. He is taking a short break from his hard work, and is contacted by King Kai. It is then that he is told that Yamcha, Tien, and Piccolo have all made it to the end of snake way safely, and all arrived together. Goku says hello, and greets everyone. He tells King Kai about what he has been told about Namek, and King Kai says that there is a tremendous power there A guy named Frieza. He tells Goku not to fight him under any circumstances, but Goku just ignores him. He then loses the transmission after a while, and decides to get back to training. He puts the graviton up to 50 times the Earths gravity, to enable him to train even harder.
Goku receives a transmission from Dr. Briefs. He tells him that the ship has strayed off course slightly, and is heading right for a flaming ball, similar to the sun. Goku goes out, and uses his most powerful KameHameHa, with added kai-o-kan to successfully blast himself away from it. He manages to set the course back to normal, and resumes his training so he can become as powerful as possible upon getting to Namek.
Goku decides to take a new look on training. Instead of working hard to do sit-ups, etc, he is beating himself up, then eating sensu beans, to improve his power level even further. After a while, Goku sets the dial to 100 times Earths gravity, the gravitons maximum setting. He seems to be training alright at first, until he ties himself to the ships roof. He starts to do an absurd number of sit-ups, with sweat pouring down his face, when he faces some difficulties. The ship goes into a magnetic field, which plays havoc with the graviton, making it throw Goku around, injuring him badly. He tries to cut the rope with a KameHameHa, but the gravity is too strong, and he struggles with all his might to stop it from deflecting into his face. He just about manages it, cutting himself free. Goku is so badly hurt, that he really struggles to get to the bag of sensu beans, and take on. He does so in the end though, and is back to his best immediately.
A dong rings in his ship, and a voice tells Goku that there is very little time before the arrival on Namek. Goku takes a shower, and changes his clothes (His current ones have been ripped to shreds) then awaits the landing. The ship informs him a little while later that there are now only two minutes until he lands. He comments on how confident he is feeling, knowing that he has a great chance of winning. Soon he will be there to help out the Earths Special Force members.
Gokus ship finally lands on Namek, and he steps out of it, looking around calmly, sensing for the power levels of Krillen and Gohan. He finds the two strongest Ginyu and Frieza but he is unable to locate his friends. After a short while, he realizes why. They are both barely alive. He manages to find them, and quickly flies over to the battlefield with incredible speed. He bursts past Racoome A tall, muscular man, with orange hair, and a voice similar to Arnold Schwarznigger - in a red flash, making him spin round at an amazing speed, just from the gust of Gokus speed. Racoome desperately looks around for the offender, the man who made him look like a fool, and he finds him. Goku is standing tall, next to his son. The whole Ginyu Force cant believe how confident Goku is. Vegeta warns him about how strong they all are, and Goku nods his appreciation. He then crouches down, and congratulates Gohan on how he managed to rough the Big guy (Racoome) up so much. He feeds him the sensu bean, and Gohan is immediately back to normal. Goku then goes over to Krillen, and feeds him a sensu bean, regenerating his health. Krillen springs up straight away, and starts trying to tell Goku what has happened so far. Goku tells Krillen just to relax, and that it would be a lot faster if he read his mind. He puts his hand on the bald mans head, and concentrates. After a short while, he lets go, and commends his son and his best friend on surviving the supreme struggle. Goku turns to Vegeta, who seems to be hurt badly, and tosses him a sensu bean. After seeing what they do, Racoome attempts to intercept it, but as he snaps at it, the bean goes straight through his teeth, because of the power that it was thrown. Vegeta catches it with one hand, and eats it cautiously, not totally trusting his Saiyan counterpart. He swallows, and is suddenly cured, with his muscles bulging as a sign of his increased strength. Goku then thanks him for saving Gohan and Krillens life, and turns to the Ginyu Force, who have been admiring his incredible speed for quite some time now. Goku tells them to leave, and they wont get hurt, but they merely laugh in his face at this comment. Goku sighs, and warns them that they wont even be able to lay a hand on him. This annoys Racoome, and he steps forward to challenge the Saiyan.
Goku stands tall, not in the slightest bit intimidated by the muscular man. Racoome taunts him, and asks for a reading on Gokus power. Burta and Jeice tells him that it measures up at a mediocre five thousand. Racoome laughs, and thinks that this will be an easy fight. He charges in at Goku to hit him, but is stopped in his tracks, gasping for air. He looks down, and Goku had somehow managed to use his superior speed to bury his elbow in Racoomes chest. The Ginyu Force members eyes swell, and he starts to hold his stomach in agony. Goku the kicks him in the face, knocking him up into the air, and manages to get into his flight path. Goku slams Racoome down to the floor, sending him shooting towards the ground like a bullet from the gun. Before Racoome hits the floor though, he feels a great surge of pain go through his stomach once more. Goku is standing underneath him, his hair blowing elegantly in the wind, as he holds Racoome in the air with one hand. He drops his enemy, leaving him unconscious, and close to death. Goku then tells Burta and Jeice that he will be ok, but they wont if they dont leave immediately. They mock him for such a merciful comment, and tell him that they will destroy him. Goku reluctantly prepares to fight, ready to easily destroy them just as he did with Racoome.
Jeice, a short, orange Goku-look-alike with white hair, and Burta, a tall, fairly muscular blue lizard-type creature float into the air, the only members of the Ginyu Force left with the ability to compete in this battle. They discuss what they are gong to do to the Saiyan, and decide the best course of action will be to just soar down at him, and catch him off guard. They both do so at stunning speed, but seem to fly right past him. Meanwhile, Goku is looking as calm as ever, a look of sheer determination, and coolness on his face. Once again, Burta and Jeice dive in, but nothing happens for the second time. They try the same trick a few more times, yet they make no effect at all on Goku. Vegeta is the only one who knows what is going on. Gokus speed is incredible. He is moving so fast that no one can even pick up his movement. There are footprints in the ground underneath him, proving that he is dodging all the attacks. Still, Burta and Jeice continue their relentless, and somewhat futile assault, not able to lay a hand on Goku.
Annoyed at the speed of the Saiyan, Jeice and Burta bombard Goku with energy balls, piling them on thick and fast, causing massive explosions, and a huge cloud of smoke. When it all clears though, Goku is standing tall, not even a singe on his clothing, not even a scratch on his face. Jeice cant believe it, and resorts to using his most powerful attack The Crusher Ball. He charges it up, and throws it at Goku, with it closing in at incredible speed. Jeice is sure that it will hit Goku now, as there surely cant be any time left to dodge itcan there? Goku waits until it is barely a few inches from his face, then pounds it back towards Jeice with incredible speed. The orange guy only just avoids it, as Goku doesnt even bother to look up at them. He stands there with an eerie calmness about him, not caring about the fact that he is fighting two of the most powerful warriors in the galaxy.
Burta refuses to believe that a Saiyan could possibly have superior speed to him, so he charges in, desperate to inflict damage on him. Goku easily avoids all of Burtas punches and kicks, not even being forced to put a lot of effort into it. Jeice sees how cocky Goku is, and how bad Burta is looking, and charges in to help. He starts to bombard Goku with a collection of swift punches and kicks aimed at his head and torso. Not one makes an impact though, as Goku continues to dodge everything easily. The two Ginyu Force members end up hitting each other, after being confused by Goku. They work out that it was his fault, not theirs though, and look around for him. Goku shouts to them, as he shows that he is behind them, making them both irate how anyone can be so fast. They try the same method of attack on him once more, but get the same results hitting each other hard, and temporarily winding one another. Goku seems to be having fun toying with them, not even resorting to even attempting to finish them both off.
Burta shouts at Jeice, and tells him to let him handle it by himself this time. Jeice waits obediently, and Burta charges in, his vision clouded with anger. Before he even manages to throw another punch, Goku has slammed his fist into his face, knocking him soaring down to the unforgiving, dusty ground. Before Burta hits it though, Goku uses his unbelievable speed to get underneath him, and catch him one handed, just as he did with Racoome. Burta can hardly breathe, and is dumped on the floor by the Saiyan. Goku looks up to Jeice, and tells him that this is his final chance to escape. Without hesitating, Jeice leaves the battlefield, leaving all of his friends to save his own life. Goku mocks him, saying Huh, some friend. He checks everyone, and knows that they will live through it. He doesnt even attempt to finish them off, foolishly thinking that they have changed.
Vegeta cant believe Gokus stupidity, letting one of the most dangerous fighters in the universe go. He capitalizes on Gokus temporary lack on concentration, and destroys the remaining Ginyu Force members, by stamping hard on Racoomes face, and blasting Burta in the face with a one-handed energy beam. Goku demands to know why he did that, and Vegeta tells him that these people have caused unbearable suffering to others, and would come back to haunt them in a later fight, just as Jeice probably will.
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Goku Biography
Goku and friends work out that Frieza hasnt yet summoned the dragon, because he probably doesnt know what the password is. Goku locates Frieza going to Gurus tower (The eldest Namek, creator of the dragonballs) and hopes that he wont kill him, because if Guru dies, then there will be no dragonballs. Before they can properly contemplate what to do next, Jeice arrives, back for more, with the Ginyu Force squad leader Captain Ginyu. This man has purple skin, and horns sticking out of his face. Many veins protrude from his forehead too. He looks irate, after being told by Jeice that Goku was the one who destroyed the rest of his teams members. Goku tells Krillen and Gohan to go get the dragonballs, and Vegeta to help him during this fight.
Vegeta tells Goku that he is watching his back, as the Saiyan closes in on Jeice and Ginyu. Before any fighting starts though, Vegeta takes off, laughing manically, deciding to look for the dragonballs instead of fighting. Goku is irate at being betrayed, but he knows that it is too late to be angry at Vegeta, because he has a tough fight on his hands.
Ginyu measures Goku up, and gets a reading on his power level with the use of his scouter. It reads in at 5,000, but Ginyu knows that it is incorrect, because of what Goku has done to his men. They both begin taunting each other, taking mental guesses at their opponents power level. Goku knows that he hasnt got time to play around during this fight, so he decides that he must attempt to win it quickly. Both men start to power up, then go at it, swinging wildly towards each other, exchanging clenched fists, and penetrating kicks. They fight on for a while, unable to gain much of an advantage over the other, with Goku eventually gaining the upper hand with a harsh punch, which sends Captain Ginyu skimming across the lake holding his gut, eventually falling in. After a brief spell underwater, Ginyu bursts out, causing half of the lake to erupt, spraying water everywhere. Goku isnt particularly impressed at this, and just carries on watching Ginyus stylish display. The Captain is mad as a hornet now, and he charges at Goku, desperately trying to get a punch in, but failing miserably. Ginyu tries making Goku follow him by flying off, and the Saiyan does in fact, give chase. He approaches Ginyu, then passes him without much trouble at all. Ginyu cant believe it, neither can Jeice, as his squad leader gets made a fool of. Goku continues to speed away, proving his extreme power, until he notices a fireball from out of the corner of his eye. He manages to dodge it, although only barely, and before he can do anything, Ginyu grabs hold of him in a full nelson, stopping Goku from getting any mobility. Jeice cheers, as he was the source of the fireball, his speciality Crusher Ball. He tells Ginyu to finish the job, but the Captain lets go of Goku, and says that he knows that the Saiyan hasnt come close to using his full power yet. Goku smirks, then starts to power up for Ginyus amusement. Jeice cant believe the power coming from Goku, and after a lengthy charge up, he tells Ginyu that Gokus power is 60,000 more than his. Ginyu doesnt believe that anyone can be so powerful, and Goku merely smirks at him. Ginyu then comes up with an idea. He punches himself in the chest, causing purple, acidic blood to ooze from the hole that he just made in his armour. Goku doesnt have a clue what Ginyu is doing, and assumes that he is just insane. It is clearly obvious to the Saiyan that Captain Ginyu is having trouble standing. Before Goku can do anything though, Ginyu yells out Change now! A beam comes from his mouth, and inserts itself into Gokus. After a brief pause, and some impressive fireworks, Goku starts commenting on his new body. He then turns to Ginyu, and tells him that he has the ability to change bodies, meaning that Goku is Ginyu, and Ginyu is Goku. Ginyu, in Gokus body, flies off with Jeice, after fitting on his scouter. Goku, in Ginyus body, tries to give chase, but the injuries that his body has sustained are too great. (NOTE: When I refer to Goku, I will be referring to Goku in Ginyus body, and likewise with Ginyu in Gokus body. I will continue doing this until they change back, or one of them dies. It will be obvious when I finish doing this, and I will give small reminders throughout the fight, of who is who)
Goku (In Ginyus body) manages to locate Ginyu (In Gokus body), and sees him attacking Krillen and Gohan. They dont attack back though, because they think that Ginyu is Goku, purely because of the looks. Goku tries to explain what happened, and that Ginyu stole his body, only managing to confuse Gohan and Krillen. In the end, they decide to attack Ginyu (In Gokus body), seeing that he is wearing a scouter, and he must be an impostor. Goku tells Gohan and Krillen that Ginyu wont be able to utilize his bodies full strength, because you need to be at one with it, so he will be pretty weak, and it will be possible to beat him. Krillen and Gohan feel weird about hitting Ginyu, because he is in the body of one of their loved ones. Krillen and Gohan attack Ginyu (In Gokus body) and start to win the battle. After a while though, much to Gokus amazement, Ginyu begins to become stronger, getting used to the body that he is in. The fight begins to sway firmly in his favour.
Vegeta sees the fight, and realizes that Ginyu is in Gokus body, so goes forth to attack. Goku watches from the sidelines, in Ginyus body, unable to do anything other than cheer his friends on. Vegeta begins pummelling Ginyu, hurting him badly. He beats him to the extent that he is on the floor, unable to move. Vegeta charges in for the kill, but Ginyu begins laughing. Goku realizes what is happening, and dives over to the fight. Ginyu yells Change now! hoping to end up in Vegetas body, but instead, Goku flies across, intercepting the flight path of the attack. He hits the floor with a painful thud, confusing Vegeta. He doesnt know who is who. Gokus body begins to get up, and tells everyone that he is Goku. Ginyus body is in dire pain, and everyone knows that is the real Ginyu. It seems as though everyone is back to their starting bodies. Goku looks to Ginyu (Both back in their normal bodies), and slowly begins to charge up a KameHameHa, with it increasing in power with every second that its in his hand. He fires it straight at Ginyu, but it narrowly misses, making Goku collapse, as he curses the fact that he still isnt used to his old body yet. He falls to the floor, still unable to do anything in this battle, and having to resort to being a bystander once again.
Vegeta turns to Ginyu as Goku can merely watch, and begins to fight him. Vegeta is easily winning, destroying Ginyu, but the Captain keeps on taunting the Saiyan to hit him harder. Goku realizes what is happening, and tells Vegeta that Ginyu is letting him win, so then he can change bodies, leaving no one to oppose him. Vegeta merely ignores Goku though, and continues to beat the Captain up. Ginyu is so badly hurt that he cant move, and Vegeta sees this, so he charges in, going for the kill. Ginyu smiles, and yells Change now! ready to attempt to change bodies once again. Goku knows that they will all be doomed if Ginyu gets into Vegetas body, so he desperately tries to think of something. Just then, a frog hops onto his hand, giving him an idea. He prays that his plan works, and he throws the frog very powerfully, aiming it mid-way between Vegeta and Ginyu. The body change beam advances on the unsuspecting Vegeta, but just before it hits, the frog flies into view, with the beam hitting that instead. Vegeta is stunned as bright lights fly in front of him, with the frog and Ginyu eventually falling to the ground. No one apart from Goku knows what has just happened. The body of Ginyu begins hopping along the floor, and the body of the frog cowers in fear. Goku says to everyone Meet Ginyu, the frog! Vegeta walks towards the frog, and gets ready to stamp on it, to destroy Captain Ginyu once and for all. Goku manages to talk him out of it, and show the frog mercy though.
Krillen and Gohan help Goku to his feet, and try to help him. Vegeta tells them all that it would be easy to kill every one of them right now, but Goku tells Krillen and Gohan that he wouldnt, because he needs their help to beat Frieza. Vegeta smiles and says that Goku knows him too well. He floats into Friezas ship, and tells everyone to follow him. Goku says that Vegeta can be trusted at the moment, so Gohan and Krillen obediently take Goku in. Vegeta puts Goku in one of the regeneration tanks, after Goku showed his fear of needles, and estimated that it would take about half an hour for him to recover. Goku could only wait now, sensing the power levels throughout the battle with Frieza.
When Frieza did come, Goku sensed everyones levels, and felt it as Krillen was healed by Dende, and as a strong force arrived Piccolo. He also felt Vegetas level go right down, then bounce back up again, higher than before after the Saiyan was healed by Dende. Throughout the climatic battle, Goku could only wait, and slowly recover. He felt Vegetas power level slowly dropping, and then it happened.
Finally, after all of the agonizing waiting, the regeneration tank gives a casual bleep, and Goku can sense that he is fully healed. He bursts out of the tank, and fires a hole straight through the roof. With lightning fast speed, he soars through the room, grabbing his clothes on the way, then goes right through the hole he created for himself, standing tall on the top of Friezas ship. He is now dressed, by using that incredible speed, and his hair blows in the wind, and he holds his belt, and takes in fresh air. He calmly senses around, searching for power level readings. He finds them, and immediately takes off towards the battlefield, hoping that he isnt too late.
With incredible speed, he enters the tragic battle scene. Frieza has Vegeta hoisted up by his neck, and is delivering crushing blows to him. Goku demands that the evil tyrant releases his fellow Saiyan, so Frieza does, but not before he delivers one final, devastating blow. Vegeta falls to the ground in a crippled heap, in massive pain. Goku looks over to the badly injured Vegeta, desperately waiting for him to say something. Vegeta only manages to mumble the word Kakarot. Frieza is irate over this, knowing that Kakarot is a Saiyan name. Goku cant believe that someone would kill a person although they are helpless to defend themselves. Somehow surviving the beating, Vegeta uses all that is left in him to warn Goku of the dangers of Frieza. He asks Goku to kill the evil one for him, and the Saiyan nods his understanding. Vegeta then goes on to tell Goku that in order to beat Frieza, he must be a Super Saiyan. Before Goku can asks Vegeta anything, Frieza blows a hole right through the Saiyan princes chest. Frieza laughs at this outburst of unprovoked violence. Goku cant believe it, and is clenching his fists hard with fury. A blue aura shines from round him, signaling his immensely improved power. Vegeta coughs a little blood up, then starts to tell Goku that he didnt want to do any of the terrible things that he has done in his lifetime. Vegeta tells the Saiyan that it was because Frieza ordered him to do it, and he was powerless to disobey. His mind had been corrupted by a man he lived in fear of, the man who killed both of their fathers, the man destroyed their planet and their people Frieza. Tears begin to stream down the face of Vegeta, with him recalling his tragic past. Getting tired of this incessant and pointless rambling, Frieza pops another hole through Vegetas chest. Before dying, Vegeta informs Goku that there is only one more stage to becoming a Super Saiyan. He has the power, but he is lacking something. Vegeta died before he could say anything else though.
Goku turns to Frieza, and is absolutely irate at him killing someone who could no longer harm him in any way. This only makes Frieza laughs, and he tells Goku that Vegeta was boring him. Goku was angry at the heartless monster, but he had more important issues to deal with before fighting. He scoops Vegeta up, and takes him over to the side of the portion of grass that they are standing on. Using his supreme power, he blasts a hole in the ground, seemingly either using his mind, or incredible speed. Goku strolls over to the hole, and slowly lowers Vegeta into it. He places the dirt back in, telling the motionless, lifeless, deceased Vegeta that he now understands him fully. He continues to pile the mud on the resting place of the brave Saiyan, and finally finishes, by saying goodbye. He turns to Frieza, then tells him to leave. His offer is mocked. The fight has begun.
Before Goku can so much as move, Frieza fires a one finger cutting beam, headed straight for Gokus face in an attempt to finish off the fight almost immediately. The beam is easily deflected though, much to Friezas amazement. Goku checks on Gohan, Piccolo and Krillen, making sure they are ok. Piccolo sees this, and orders everyone to move away, because they are distracting him. With them gone, Goku can finally get into the rhythm of fighting properly.
Goku and Frieza go at it, throwing fists and kicks at each other from all directions, moving at incredible speeds, letting off intensive energy everywhere that they go. Neither one seems to be able to hurt the other one, as they get occasional, ineffectual shots in on one another. Frieza manages to make some space for himself, and fires a colossal ball of energy towards Goku. The Saiyan sees it coming, but, being the brave warrior that he is, he decides to try and block it. The ball bears down on him, and he holds out his arms rigidly, not knowing what will happen. The ball collides hard with his hands, and sends him backwards, through the sides of mountains, and small hills. Stones and small rocks are getting flung about the place due to the sheer intensity of the energy, Sweat pours down Gokus face, as he does his utmost to keep the energy from destroying him. Frieza keeps the pressure on, but in the end, Goku manages to summon forth some extra power, and throws the ball of energy in the air, out of harms way. Goku smirks cockily at his enemy, enraging Frieza, who charges at him, and begins to put a beating upon him. He slams Goku through the sides of hills, and beats him somewhat to a pulp, pounding away with crushing blows, destroying the Saiyan. Frieza manages to get a particularly powerful punch on Goku, after stunning him with one, and sends him soaring straight into the water, making a huge splash. No one comes up from the deep river though, as Goku sits on the bottom, contemplating his next move. Because of his incredible ability to hold his breath for a long time, he decides that thinking about what to do will be a good idea. Then it strikes him, he knows that he hasnt used this in a while, but its certainly worth a try.
Frieza is beginning to get impatient with Gokus exploits, and begins to power up an energy ball in his hand, awaiting the arrival of this cursed Saiyan from underneath the cover of deep, blue water.
Goku charges up a KameHameHa, and places it on the ground. He then cautiously walks off, being careful not to make his energy ball move, and charges up a second KameHameHa, then places it on the ground, a few meters away from the first one. He nods to himself, then decides to try the trick. He raises his hand, and the KameHameHa goes flying out of the water. Frieza notices it from out of the corner of his eye, and, thinking it was Goku, he moves towards it to attack. He then realizes at the last second that it was an energy beam, and a powerful one at that, so he dodged itbarely. Goku then launches the second KameHameHa at Frieza, with the evil one prepared this time, and avoiding it fairly easily. Before he can do anything though, Goku comes crashing down on his back, sending him shooting down into a bunch of rocks. The trick had worked, and allowed Goku to gain the upper hand on Frieza.
Nothing but a huge cloud of dust can be seen, until a shady figure emerges from out of it. Frieza. He had survived the attack, and is now angrier than ever. Like a war hound he is on Goku straight away, destroying him with powerful attacks, and knocking him across the ground. Eventually, Frieza has beaten Goku to a point where he cant even fight back. With one mammoth punch, Frieza knocks Goku skidding across the ground on his back, finally stopping, his head underwater. It looks as though he is dead, or at least Frieza certainly thinks so.
Goku has little left in him, but is having some sort of vision. He sees Vegeta, Bardock (His father), and King Vegeta. They all tell him about his Saiyan heritage, but Goku doesnt know what they are talking about. He tells them hes an Earthling, not a Saiyan. They dont listen though, and continue to encourage him. Vegeta finishes his short speech, and tells Goku to fight for the Saiyans.
Goku regains consciousness, and lifts his head from the water. He stares a hole right through Frieza, and seems to have a new found power running through his veins. He doesnt know how he got it, but he damn well wants to use it, and Frieza is the perfect target. Goku starts to mouth of at him, but it only results in Frieza getting a few laughs, and Goku getting even more annoyed. Frieza attacks, destroying Goku easily, and pretty much kicking him around the floor. Goku will not give up though, and keeps on coming back for more. He knows that he must beat Frieza, and he tells him that he doesnt care if hes a million times stronger than him, he will still win, for him, and for Vegeta! Frieza is not amused, and continues to destroy Goku.
King Kai informs everyone that Goku is neither wearing weighting clothes, nor holding back, as he is using the kai-o-kan attack.
Meanwhile, Goku is still getting destroyed, as Frieza kicks him off his feet, sending him skidding across the floor on his back, in terrible pain. He still gets up though, ready to attack once again.
Frieza is growing bored with the fighting, and has decided to try something a little more fun. He stands on a rock, and starts doing something with his mind. Goku looks on, as rocks fly towards him from every direction. Goku uses his fantastic speed to dodge most of what comes at him, blasting the stray ones aimed straight for his head. After a while, Goku grows impatient of running, so he fires a small KI blast at all of the rocks, eventually obliterating all of them, impressing Frieza. Goku cant prepare himself for the next little stunt of his enemy though, as Frieza uses incredible power to lift a large mound of Earth from the ground. He directs it towards Goku, who can only stand in awe, wondering how this can be done with someones mind. The giant mound hits him, and sends him shooting backwards, despite his rather futile attempts to block it. Goku manages to slow it down a little bit, but not enough, as he is sent directly into a cliff face, sandwiching himself. A small pause ensues, where Frieza thinks he has won, but Goku bursts out of his predicament, destroying the block, and using amazing speed to get back level with Frieza, and he is actually smiling, which anger the evil one even more than he already has been during the course of this fight.
Frieza realizes that it was Goku who defeated Ginyu, not Vegeta. He is impressed, and gives Goku a little challenge. He tells the Saiyan that he will fight with both arms behind his back to allow Goku to have a sporting chance. In disbelief, Goku agrees to the proposition, but warns Frieza not to take him lightly.
The fight starts, and Goku manages to get a slight upper hand, forces Frieza onto the defensive, as he blocks with his feet and shins. Goku tries his best to get a shot in, but is unable to, a Frieza is just too fast. Using an unsuspected attack, Frieza swings his tail right at Gokus head, knocking him backwards, and hurting him badly. The Saiyan manages to get up though, and goes straight back at Frieza, trying desperately to get a shot in. He is attacked by the tail again, but this time Goku is ready for it, catching Friezas tail, putting his opponent in an irate mood. He taunts towards the evil Frieza, as he doesnt let go. Eventually, Frieza gets free, and is very angry. Goku charges again, but this time Frieza is just too fast, and wraps his tail wrong his neck. Goku helplessly gasps for air, as the life is slowly choked out of him. He knows that he will have to resort to dirty play if he wants to stay alive, so he sinks his teeth deep into Friezas tail. The evil one tightens the grip in an effort to get him off, but fails miserably, as he is forced to release the grip. Goku continues to bite hard, and forces Frieza to hit him with his fist, sending him skimming across the ground. Goku sits up, wipes some blood away from his mouth, then starts laughing at Frieza, who is desperately holding his tail in pain. Frieza demands to know whats so funny, and Goku points out that Frieza wasnt strong enough to beat him without his hands. This annoys the evil tyrant, but he calmly tells Goku that the deal is off, even though the Saiyan has already gathered that much. The fight is going to get far more intensive soon, with Goku looking like he is going to be the losing party, but he will keep fighting no matter what. He gets to his feet, and prepares for the next round of devastating fighting.
Goku prepares for the onslaught, as Frieza dives in with pure rage on his face. He desperately swings for Goku, hitting him only a couple of times. Goku makes himself a bit of room, and uses the kai-o-kan times 20, hoping that his body will hold together. It does, although just barely, and he charges straight at Frieza, knocking him backwards. He then quickly follows up with a devastating KameHameHa. Frieza sees it coming, and is unable to get out of the way in time. He is forced to block it, singeing his hand badly. It shakes as the dust finally clears, covered in ash, smoking, burning. Frieza cant believe how powerful Goku is. The Saiyan stands on the ground arm still outstretched from the finished position of his attack. Frieza lands, and commends Goku on his skill, then tells him that he is the first person that he has had to transform this much to beat. He then powers up, and lightning crashes down from the sky. It immerses Frieza, and after a short while, he announces that he is now at 50% of his power. Goku senses it, and realizes that Frieza isnt bluffing. Goku has an uphill struggle to fight through now, and it isnt going to be easy!
Frieza plays around with Goku, using his far superior speed to totally outclass the Saiyan. Goku cant even sense his movements, btu instead is hit in the back of the head occasionally, and pretty much kicked all around the floor. Goku keeps on getting up though, despite the extreme pain he is suffering. It seems as though it is all over, as Frieza blasts him with some sort of odd attack. Goku is surrounded by a bubble, and cant move. Frieza informs him that if it touches anything apart from either of them, then it will explode, killing the Saiyan. Goku is worried at this prospect, as Frieza kicks him up into the air, hurting him quite badly. A little game ensues, with Frieza using his blindingly fast speed to zoom around the battlefield, kicking it to other areas, in a kind of triangle. Goku has very little left, as he is unable to so much as block any of Friezas attacks. Eventually, the evil one grows bored, and slams the bubble with Goku inside down to the ground. An epic explosion ensues, with half of the ground getting blown away, or disintegrated. The waters are parted, and the waves pour away in every direction. Goku calls Friezas name from above him, and the evil one doesnt believe it. Goku manages to outrun the explosion using what must have been absolutely incredible speed. It seems that Gokus still got some left in him!
Frieza takes it to Goku, but neither man really comes out on top. The battle rages on, with Frieza managing to get into a little bit of space, and throw an energy ball of colossal proportions down at Goku. The Saiyan attempts to block it, but he is forced down, with the intensity of the energy making the waves part. Goku is slowly lowered down to the muddy seabed, unable to stop the ball of energy. Frieza laughs as Goku looks as though he can hold it off no longer. Suddenly, the ball is shifted upwards, into the sky, and Goku emerges, triumphant, but hurting greatly. Frieza is irate, and confused at how a mere Saiyan can have so much power. He charges in, and beats Goku almost senseless, eventually knocking him into a volcano. It looks like it is all over for the Saiyan, and Piccolo comes to check it out. There is no sign of Goku, and Frieza informs the Namek that he is dead, and so to will everyone else be soon. Before Frieza can lay a hand on Piccolo, Goku comes bursting out of the volcano, after managing to hold onto the edge earlier. Frieza doesnt know this though, and is horrified by Gokus strength.
Goku knows that he isnt going to win in hand-to-hand, so he decides to use strategy. He throws his arms into the air, and starts to build up energy. Time is fast running out, as Frieza grows impatient. Goku knows that there isnt enough energy left on Namek to form his famous spirit bomb in a powerful enough energy ball, so he gets power from other planets. Frieza becomes bored with Gokus antics, and charges at him, beating him to a pulp, and eventually knocking him off his feet. Goku struggles up, and raises his arms again. Frieza demands to know what he is doing, but Goku just laughs, and continues to build up the energy in his Spirit Bomb. Frieza once again gives him a beating, and screams at him to tell him why he isnt even trying to block. Goku looks up at his enemy, and keeps his arms raised, laughing some more. Frieza is sick of all this waiting now, so he holds out the palm of his hand to Gokus face, and prepares to finish him off. Goku knows that he is helpless to do anything, so he just carries on charging up the attack. A mere second before Frieza attacks, a tall figure flies in and kicks him in the face, sending him soaring into some rocks. Its Piccolo! He tells Goku to hurry up with the attack.
Frieza easily destroys Piccolo after recovering from the initial attack. He is about to kill him, when he sees the reflection of Gokus spirit bomb, and knows that he must try to stop it. He goes over to Goku to attack, but is sandwiched by two powerful blasts. He barely managed to get his arms up in time to block, and turns to see Gohan and Krillen. Goku watches on, as his friends stall Frieza for him. The energy of the Spirit Bomb continues to form, as it begins to come together above the planet. It is absolutely gigantic! Goku knows that there is a risk of him destroying the planet with the attack, but he doesnt have any other options. He senses that its ready, and throws it down towards Frieza, with the evil one noticing it just before it hit him. He doesnt believe how powerful it is, and slowly gets pushed down to the planets base. Slowly but surely, he is forced down, eventually making contacts with the ground, with the Spirit Bomb exploding, and knocking everyone backwards. A bright white light ensues, and the whole battleground is destroyed, as water runs into the huge hole cause by the gap. On a small island stand Gohan and Krillen, in good health, wondering whether Goku survived. A green hand comes up, then a body. Its Piccolo! Piccolo then drags his other arm up, and on the end of it is Goku! Theyre all ok. They have survived! Goku has no energy left, and is helped to his feet by Gohan and Krillen. They all joke and laugh about the victory, until Krillens face is taken over with fear. Goku searches for something, but it isnt there. Krillen blurts out that they forgot about Bulma, and Goku started laughing, saying that he thought Frieza had survived the blast. Everyone starts laughing, until Krillen is overtaken with fear once again. He starts mumbling something, stuttering and unable to get his words out. Then Gohan sees it, and he is unable to say anything. Goku looks up and sees what they are all scared of. Frieza! He is standing on a rock, covered in blood, with one eye shut due to the pain that it emits. He has a finger outstretched, and he shoots a single, piercing beam towards Goku. The Saiyan is helpless to move out of the way, but before it can hit him, Piccolo dives in the way, and takes the beam. It cuts right through his chest, leaving Goku looking on in fear and anger. He cant believe that Frieza would kill someone like that. The evil one then turns to Krillen, and shoots a different kind of beam at him. With it, he lifts him up, then clenches his fist. Goku yells for Frieza to stop, and Krillen yells for help, but there pleads are not answer, as Krillen explodes. Frieza laughs, and Goku is overtaken with rage.
His whole body shakes frantically, as he tried to control his overwhelming anger. His eyes start to blink in procession, as he clenches his fist up hard, and contemplates what happened to Krillen. How could this monster do something like this? Thisfiend! There is no way Goku is going to let it happen sitting down. His hair flashes blonde briefly. Rocks are raised around him because of the pure intensity of the energy flowing freely from Goku. Frieza seems to look confused, and is watching on intently. Gokus rage builds, getting higher and higher, constantly on an increase. His body cant cope with his extreme anger, and lets rip, causing surges of energy in the form of waves, destroying the ground around him, as his hair goes a golden blonde, and his eyes turn narrow and green. He looks up at Frieza with an aggressiveness never seen in him before. A bright yellow aura surrounds him as he furiously looks on, his transformation to Super Saiyan complete.
Goku looks towards his son, and shouts at him to get Piccolo onto his ship, and leave. At first Gohan is reluctant, but Goku shouts in such a shrill way, that his son knows that this is serious, and that he must obey his father. Frieza cant believe that Goku is just ignoring him, so he points his finger at Gohan, ready to blast the fleeing young Saiyan. Before he can do anything though, Goku abruptly appears directly in front of him, gazing down menacingly. Frieza backs off, scared, and Goku grabs his hand, crushing it violently. Frieza yells out an heart-piercing scream of pain, as he desperately tries to free himself from the clamping grip of Super Saiyan Gokus hand. He uses his full arm strength, and then both arms to try and free himself, but he is unable to. He begins to sink into a crater because of the energy given off in a futile attempt to escape. Goku is bored of this escapade, so he releases his tight grip on Frieza, making him fall back, then down onto one knee holding his hand in agony. Goku watches him, not moving a muscle, just staring in an intimidating way, as Frieza looks up in a mixture of fear and reluctance, for he knows how hard the battle will be to win from here on out.
Letting his fear get the better of him, Frieza stutters, mumbles, blatantly scared of the situation What are you? Goku looks at him, and answers A Saiyan warrior! Frieza is definitely very scared at Gokus obvious new found power. It looks as though the evil one is being thoroughly outclassed here. Frieza begins to desperately shoot his finger beams at Goku, but they are all dodged. With incredible speed, Goku advances on his opponent, with the beams unable to come close to him. He made a big mistake though, and let his guard down, allowing Frieza to hit him square in the face with one of his awesome beams, which have the power to cut straight through iron as if it is polystyrene. Gokus head is snapped backwards, as the beam makes contact. It looks as though it is all over, but Goku shows Frieza that it will take a lot more than that to kill him, as he raises his head, and looks straight into his enemies eyes. Frieza cant believe that anyone could survive a blast of such power, but seeing is believing.
They fight on for a while, with the obvious and somewhat inevitable advantage heavily in Gokus favour, as he connects with thunderous punches. He hits Frieza into the air, they follows through, but the evil tyrant manages to get a blast in at the oncoming Goku, as it looks like he has finished him. Goku lands on his feet though, somehow, and looks up towards Frieza, but is knocked right back down as his opponent charges in, and almost crushes him. Frieza shouts to Goku that it is time for him to see his ultimate transformation, as he goes 100%. Goku smirks, and tells Frieza that he wont let him transform, angering the evil one, the killer of countless people, and the person who almost wiped out the Saiyan race, totally single handed. He tries to reason with Goku, but the Saiyan just ignores him, and charges him in, knocking him around a bit, and causing him a great deal of pain. Frieza then manages to make himself some room, and knowing that this battle is an uphill struggle, which he cant win, he decides that he will resort to extreme measures. It is said that desperate men do desperate things, and Frieza was proof of this theory. He tells Goku that it isnt always the strongest person who wins, but sometimes it is the smartest. He begins charging some energy up, and it turns into a massive, swirling ball of power, with electricity running through it. Goku prepares a KameHameHa to counter the blast, as he looks up with his hands cupped, awaiting Friezas next move. He prepares for the attack, but is astounded as Frieza throws the ball of intensive energy towards the ground, and can only gaze upon it as it drills through the surface. Frieza tells him that Namek is going bye-bye. After a short pause, Goku starts to laugh, and mocks Frieza, telling him that he knew that he wouldnt be able to do it. Frieza laughs at Goku though, and informs him that he missed the core, and estimates about 5 minutes until the planet explodes, then he explains that he can breath in space, and Goku cant, so the advantage is firmly on his side. Goku merely smiles, and says, 5 minutes is all that I need! This angers Frieza, as he knows the Super Saiyan has reason to be confident, and he regrets not destroying him when he had the chance.
King Kai contacts Goku telepathically, and tells Goku that they are going to wish everyone apart from Frieza off Namek, so then the evil one can get his comeuppance, hopefully using the Namek dragonballs. Goku says to do so, but to leave him there as well so that he can finish him off. Kai reluctantly agrees, then tells Kami of the wish. They argue for a short while, and while they argue, the fight between Goku and Frieza rages on. When they finally come to their decision, they decide to use the Earth Dragonballs to revive everyone who was killed by Frieza, meaning that the Nameks will be back. They tell Mr Popo their wish, as he is collecting the dragonballs, and he starts to lay them all out.
Goku continues to pummel Frieza, until the evil one begins to beg him to let him transform into his most powerful state. He tells Goku that he must want to fight a more powerful foe, with him having Saiyan blood and all. Goku agrees, although somewhat reluctantly, knowing that it will make the battle a whole lot harder. Frieza begins to power up to 100%, laughing at how gullible Goku was, but the Saiyan secretly has a good reason for allowing Frieza to do so, and that is so that he can beat the most powerful warrior in the world. After a short break in the action, Friezas muscle mass begins to increase massively, as he grows to approximately Gokus size. His arms bulk up, as his biceps bulge, and even his tail becomes far more muscular. His shoulders become huge, and now Frieza looks more powerful than any enemy Goku has ever seen, let alone faced. He has a formidable opponent, who rivals his power. The war is going to end soon, but who will have the advantage?
Mr. Popo has the dragonballs, and he asks Shenron to revive everyone killed by Frieza on Namek. Shenrons eyes flash red, and he says that hell do his best. Nameks start to get up everywhere, as the unstable planet erupts with lava, and the ground shakes then cracks, making many hills and trees plunge to their deaths.
Goku and Frieza continue to battle ferociously, with neither man having any real advantage, as many of the attacks are blocked, and the very few that make it in are countered immediately. Goku knows that he is running out of time, so he finds a bit of room, and unleashes a powerful KameHameHa upon Frieza. This is his most powerful state, yet Frieza still cant manage to inflict much damage upon Goku. He sees the energy beam coming, and manages to thrust his hands forward at the last second. He then makes a KI shield around him, and slowly pushes back the intensive energy of Gokus, closing in on him, albeit not very fast, but closing in all the same. Goku decides to increase the power of his beam, using up more of his energy, as the beam doubles in size, and knocks Frieza backwards, but the evil one manages to regain his composure, and gets back to forcing the beam towards Goku. The Super Saiyan begins to panic, but Frieza merely laughs. The beam is getting smaller as it is forced back by Frieza, eventually making Goku put even more power into it, this time making it a beam of epic proportions. Frieza struggles to force it backwards now, and it seems as though neither man is getting anywhere, because the beam is going back and forth, constantly changing directions, with the momentum constantly changing. Frieza is the one who gets he last laugh though, as he uses most of his remaining energy to drag himself off the beam, and fly towards the helpless Goku, as he is powerless to do anything, with the beam still pouring out of his hands. Frieza charges straight into the vulnerable Goku, driving him down to the ground, then through layers of Earth. He begins pounding away at Gokus gut, finally pulling out of the attack, as he dives out of the crater that he made, closely pursued by gushing, boiling hot molten lava, erupting from the unstable surface. Goku is trapped down there somewhere, and is currently being smothered with lava. Frieza laughs his head off, thinking that he has won. No sign of Goku for a while, until a small white flash comes. Frieza diverts all of his attention towards it, in disbelief that anyone could have survived that. It is only Gohan though, the son of Goku. He demands to know where Goku is, and Frieza tells him that he is dead, and that he begged for his life before dying, as well as crying his eyes out, blatantly lying. they go at it for a while, but as this is the Goku biography, I shall skip that bit, and put it in a suitable biography, either Gohan or Friezas.
After Gohan and Frieza have been fighting for a short while, with Gohan only trying to stall Frieza, Shenron completes the wish, reviving everyone on Namek, including Guru. Phase two of the plan was about to be put into action, as Kai asks Guru to make the wish that takes everyone back to Earth. As Porunga (The Namekian dragon) was still able to grant one more wish, Guru passed the command onto Dende, who has a go at carrying it out. He walks over to the dragon slowly, prepared to wish everyone back to Earth.
It looks like it is all over for Gohan, as Frieza stands over him menacingly, but suddenly, Goku pours out of the steaming sea, where the lava has been cooled off. He looks hurt badly, but is not worried at all, and demands that Frieza leaves Gohan alone. He orders that his son leaves the planet immediately, and Gohan obediently does so. Goku then turns to Frieza, and the two go at it once again, with Goku having a slight advantage this time, due to the built up rage inside him. He manages to get a few good shots in on Frieza, knocking him down to the floor. Frieza struggles to his feet, then notices that the sky is black He desperately looks around, then sees his target Porunga. He flies towards the dragon at an incredible speed, and Goku sees what he is doing. He tries to catch up, but he is too far behind to have any chance of stopping his enemy now.
Dende is already at the base of the dragon, shouting out the wish in Namekian. Frieza skids to a halt in mid-air, and shouts out to the dragon to grant him immortality. He wonders why nothing has happened, as Dende quickly tries to finish the wish. Goku arrives, closely followed by Vegeta. Goku sees him, and realizes that the wish to Shenron must have worked, as Vegeta has been revived. He congratulates Goku on turning Super Saiyan, then turns to Frieza, who is backing off in fear. Vegeta charges up some energy, ready to shoot it at Frieza, when Dende finishes his wish, and everyone except for Goku and Frieza disappear back to Earth. Vegeta is irate at missing out on his chance to kill Frieza.
Only Goku and Frieza remain on the planet Namek, as they stare each other down. Goku knows now that he can begin to fight properly, as there is no one left to buy time for, or to accidentally harm. They fight a little, with the both sending each other down to the floor on numerous occasions. Both are fast running out of energy, and Goku is fast running out of time, as Frieza tells him that he estimates that there are 2 minutes left until the explosion of Namek.
Frieza and Goku battle on, hitting incredibly hard, and fast, with their punches almost undetectable. Flashes of light illuminates across the battlefield, with the occasional house getting demolished from the pure intensity of the fight. Lava erupts out of the ground, soaring into the air, and spraying the planet with bright red, boiling hot molten magma. Frieza and Goku seem very evenly matched, with neither one managing to get any sort of real advantage. Back and forth it goes, with both of them getting occasional punches in, but getting hit by the opponent at the same time, receiving as much damage as they dish out. Eventually, Friezas rage gets the better of him, and he explodes on Goku, almost blinded with anger, knocking him straight through the roof of a building. Smoke clouds up the whole area, when Goku bursts out, attacking Frieza with absurd power. The war goes on, until Goku managed to pay Frieza back by slamming him through the roof of a small Namekian house. Dust surrounds the muscular warrior, before he bursts out, grunting with anger and annoyance. He clenches his fists hard, and curses Goku, accusing him of being nothing but a monkey (When Saiyans transform, they turn into an Oozaru A giant ape). Knowing that the fight isnt going anywhere, Goku decides to take a more extreme action.
He charges at Frieza with such speed that the evil tyrant doesnt even see it coming, and is knocked right off his feet, flying through the air. Goku catches up, and tries to slam him down to the floor. He hits him, and Frieza begins his descent. He manages to regain control of his flight path though, and lands on his feet. He was falling with such force that he creates a crater, about the size of a normal man. He looks up at Goku angrily, and realizes that he has been beaten. He doesnt know what to do, but decides to valiantly fight on. He struggles to get a foothold on the exchange of punches, but manages to get a few good shots in, hurting Goku fairly badly. He beats him hard across the face, cutting his lip, and making blood pour from Gokus face. The Super Saiyan gets up to his feet, then tells Frieza that he is going to end it. Frieza doesnt believe that Goku will have the power, so he makes him walk the walk.
Goku charges at him, and with incredibly fast speed and precision, he buries his fist deep into Friezas gut. The evil one falls down to his knees, grunting, desperate to get some breath as he gasps hard. His pupils swell to a huge size, and he falls completely to the floor. Goku looks down at him, and respectfully tells Frieza the truth. Its over. He knows that this is true, but the evil tyrant wont give up so easily, as he looks up desperately at Goku, as if to ask him to wait. Goku ignores him though, and powers down from Super Saiyan into his normal form, taking off into the air. Friezas pride has been damaged, but he wont be beaten by a mere Saiyan. Frieza resorts to something that only a desperate, evil man would do. An evil glint appears in his eyes, and without hesitation, he lets out a cry of what could only be intense anger and hatred, and throws a destructo-disc type razor disc. It tracks Goku, and almost cuts him in half, until he notices it out of the corner of his eye, and manages to dodge it slightly. He turns round with an enraged look in his eyes, and blood dripping from his cheek where Friezas disc had skimmed him. He charges back up to Super Saiyan, with a huge yellow aura rising around him. He is irate about that fact that he spared Friezas life, only for it to be thrown back in his face. He turns round to see the disc coming back at him. He manages to fly away, just about outrunning the lethal attack, managing to maneuver round hills and mountains, only to have the disc grow closer to him, as it cuts through everything. Goku decides to try to take a course of action, charging in at Frieza, insanely fast. He swoops up at the last second, but the evil one knows what he is doing, and manages to keep his disc locked on, shifting them up before they can hit him. Goku seems to stop in mid-air, and the disc goes right through him. It looks as though it is the end of Goku, or at least Frieza certainly thinks so, as he smirks, and looks on. Then a voice is heard from behind himits Gokus voice! He had left an entail behind him to trick Frieza. Enraged by this mockery, Frieza chuckles evilly, then catches his disc on the palm of his hand. He holds out his other one, then charges up another disc. He laughs manically as they both chase Goku around, with neither of them able to hit as he dodges, swerves and weaves his way through the battlefield, nearing the evil one. Frieza mocks his stupidity, demanding to know why he thinks that the same trick will work twice. Goku ignores him though, and continues his path, on a collision course. Just before he gets to Frieza though, he fires a blast at the ground, causing loads of smoke and dust to fly up in the air. During this distraction, Goku quickly used his superior speed to escape from the frantic madness. Frieza on the other hand doesnt realize what is happening until the blades bare down on him. He just about sees them in time, and jumps over them, narrowly avoiding the edges with his curled up toes. After that temporary shock, Frieza is truly irate at Goku. He cant believe that a simple monkey can get the better of him, the Lord of the whole galaxy. He starts to curse Goku, only making the Saiyan retaliate by calling him Weak. Goku desperately shouts towards Frieza to look behind him, but Frieza is too slow to do so, and is cut in half by his own disc.
The scene rages in a devastating shower of lava, making a huge massacre as the battlefield is slowly destroyed. The planet is soon to explode, as the ground cracks, and shakes, ready to disintegrate into a mere memory. Frieza is left on the floor, in two different pieces, hating his life, desperately trying to think of something to help him escape this problem. Goku looks down at him in disgust, and tells Frieza that he has been defeated, then begins to walk off, leaving his opponent behind. In a desperate attempt to save himself, Frieza begs out to Goku for help. Goku stops, but manages to continue on, ignoring the evil one. Once again Frieza begs for help, this time getting to Goku, and making him shout out in anger at him, demanding to know why he killed Krillen. He then decides that there is no need to help Frieza, as it would be best for everyone if he was dead. Before Goku can take off, Frieza begs for help once again. Goku is enraged by this, and fires a blast at the evil being, seemingly destroying him. This was just a trick of his though, as he had given Frieza some of his own energy by using some sort KI blast. Goku tells his enemy that he has some energy, and to do with it what he will. The Saiyan then begins to walk off, eventually powering up a little, then flying away, ready to get off the planet. Frieza is so irate at being beaten, that he wont accept the loss, and fires a blast at his rival. The Super Saiyan turns round to see it coming straight at him though, and yells out You fool at the floating top half of Friezas decapitated body, then fires his own one-handed blast back, obliterating Frieza. If he would have known that the evil being had managed to survive, then maybe he would have gone to check to see if he was dead for sure, but he didnt have time for that, and besides, theres no way that Frieza could have survived thatis there?
Knowing that the planet has very little time until explosion, Goku desperately searches for a way off the planet, knowing that when it blows he will be doomed. Without oxygen, he cant breath, and will die, so he must find a ship. Knowing that the nearest one was Friezas, he burst into it, and frantically began searching for the bridge. It took him a while, as he looked into every gap and crack in every wall and door. He finds the bridge, and quickly runs into it, his energy very low from the massive fight with Frieza. He takes a look at the control panel, and searches for a button. He finds it, and hits it a few times, before the lights in the ship begin to come up. An excited smile forms across Gokus bloody face, as the ship seems like it will take off. It hits problems though when it powers down, and falls down a cliff. Goku quickly gets out, with the planet really on edge, and combusting all the time. He desperately walks around, and there is a huge explosion. He screams in agony, still looking for a pod. It seems that there is no way that Goku could have survived, as the planet Namek turns into a blindingly white light, then disappears into the void of empty space. Only traces of the planet remain, with Goku seemingly deceased.
A long time later, about year in fact, a space pod crashes through the Earth's atmosphere, landing in an isolated desert, making a huge crater upon impact. The pod door opens, and out walks Goku! He had survived the explosion! He gets out, and is surprised to see that a large crowd has arrived, and are all waving to him, and cheering for him upon his arrival. He greets them in a rather confused way, seemingly not noticing that everyone has been wished back. He climbs out of the pod, and a mysterious teenager greets him. He asks Goku for a word in private, and the Super Saiyan obliges. The teenager reveals himself to be a boy called Trunks, son of Vegeta and Bulma, come from the future to warn them of the android threat. Goku cant believe that Vegeta would be a father, and haves himself a good laugh at the prospect, more out of happiness than mocking. He gets serious again, and Trunks asks him to turn Super Saiyan. Goku does so, then Trunks does. Goku is amazed that anyone can reach the form at such a young age, and starts to congratulate him. Suddenly, Trunks grabs his sword, pulls it out of his pouch on his back, and tries to slice Goku in half with it. Goku doesnt move an inch though, and stands tall. Trunks stops his sword just before making contact with Gokus skull, and asks why he didnt try to block it. Goku explains that he sensed no killing intent, so there was no need to block. Trunks smirks, then tells him that he isnt going to stop this time. Goku nods, and holds out his finger. Trunks madly attacks Goku with his perfect blade, but each one of his shots are blocked by Gokus index finger. Trunks finished, and powers down from Super Saiyan, to his normal form. He commends Goku on his skill, then starts to explain about the androids.
Goku is amazed at the story, but has one question How did he die. Trunks explains that in a few years, Goku will develop a very rare heart disease, and die from it. As you can imagine, this makes Goku irate. Trunks gives him the antidote though, telling him that there wont be any other cure for it when he gets it, but it is made after Goku dies, so to keep it safe. Goku gratefully catches it, and puts it in his pocket. Trunks waves goodbye, and Goku goes over to greet his friends.
Goku tells everyone that Trunks didnt really say anything, but Piccolo had been listening in to the conversation. He explains that the androids are coming, and that everyone should train to try to cheat their destiny of death. Goku is relieved that his juvenile personality was saved by Piccolo who may well have saved everyones lives. Goku shows everyone a trick before they leave, just to show what he learned at Yardrat (The planet he went to when Namek exploded). He waves bye to them, and visibly disappears, then reappears, then explains to everyone that he has learnt how to use the power of teleportation. At first no one believes him, but when he puts on Roshi's sunglasses they are forced too. Everyone has a good laugh before departing their seperate ways. Before Piccolo has a chance to fly off though, Goku politely asks him if he wishes to train with Gohan and himself. Piccolo nods obligingly, saying he was going to suggest it anyway.